Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter Three

As she walked down the New York streets, the sun setting gently in the sky, Kyira smiled. After all, it had been a good day. She had made a new friend in Katy, she had gotten two good assignments and finished them easily, and she could now go home and relax a little.

As he walked down the New York streets, the sun setting gently in the sky, Gabe grinned to himself. The music he had heard left him giddy and mellow, seemingly at peace. He had also decided he had to find this girl, she was no longer just another challenge. She was different.

She was special.

Fate always has a way of making wishes come true, sooner or later dreams are fulfilled and desires are redeemed. And, maybe somewhat predictably, they found each other on those New York streets. Those two completely different souls managed to bump into each other, quite literally.

It seemed as if the clichés would never cease.

"Damn I am so sor-" Gabe stopped abruptly in his apology, eyes widening in recognition. Kyira's eyes widened slightly too, a blush spreading on her cheeks as she remembered the handsome man in front of her.

"Angel, it's you!" He cried, cursing at himself inwardly after exclaiming such a thing. He barely knew the girl and he had given her a romantic nickname, he felt so stupid and embarrased.

"'s me. But why am I Angel?" She asked, straightening the bottom hem of her green dress. Gabe's eyes unwillingly followed her actions and he oggled a bit.
Nice legs, he thought smirking.

"Because your last name means Angel. Oh and you look like an Angel." He explained coolly. She blushed harder. Why is she blushing so hard? What's wrong with her?

"Well your name also has a connection to Angels but from what I've heard you are not an innocent one Mr Saporta. I'll have to call you Diavolo." She smirked. Why was she flirting, she asked herself. This was not like her at all.

"What does that mean?" Gabe asked, slightly lost. Kyira chuckled.

"It's italian for devil." She grinned. Gabe smirked again, laughing along with her.

"Well if we are going to get smart about it I'll have to call you angelito instead." Gabe said flirtatiously and after seeing Kyira's confusion he continued to explain, "It's spanish for little angel. Because you're a small angel." Kyira slapped his arm playfully. Gabe grabbed her wrist and gently pulled her closer, towering over her petite frame. She looked up at him, her mouth slightly open. His eyes glanced at them, those pouty red rose petals. They looked so...kissable. He found himself inching closer, wanting to feel them on his own, moving in sync with his own. Kyira was also moving ever closer and realising that fact, she turned away bashfully.

Gabe caught himself and straightened up, but not letting her go. Brushing off the slight rejection he grinned.

"Come with me for a drink?" He asked. Kyira looked up and bit her lip, unsure of what to do, what to say. She had a routine to follow, a carefully organised schedual that she was used to. She rarely, if never, deviated from it. But she wanted to get to know Gabe, to talk with him, to...kiss him.
She quickly shook that last thought out of her head before looking straight into Gabe dark, irresistable eyes. Those eyes that were so deep, so mysterious that she found herself speaking.


With that one word, with those two letters, she had unknowingly changed her whole life. She had broken free from everything she had known and had started a new route in her destiny, an unknown one. She soon found herself being escorted down the street, linked at the hands, by Gabriel Eduardo Saporta. Yet she didn't care at that moment for she found herself happy yet nervous.

Nervous of what could happen.
Nervous of what she wanted to happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short but important.
Dedicated to my only three comment-ers so far.
Another three for another update.