Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter Five

Gabe made his way home, a huge grin planted on his tanned face.

He couldn't quite believe he had done that. Even if he is Gabe Saporta. It wasn't a date, well...most likely not in her eyes but maybe in his, they weren't together and they had known each other for just a day, technically less than 24 hours. Yet he felt so drawn to this woman, so connected to her that he found himself unable to help himself. He was intoxicated by her; by her presence, her smile, her sapphire eyes and her kiss.

Boy, was she a good kisser.

He simply had to see her again.

Through out all his thinking and reminising he had not realised he was actually home, outside his apartment door. In fact he was simply stood there smiling at the door. He didn't even notice another door open and someone call his name.

"Gabe? Gabanti?" Ryland Blackington called from his door way. Confusion spread across his face when Gabe did not answer, did not acknowledge his presence. Ryland stepped out and walked up to his friend, patting him on the shoulder and waving a hand in front of his face.
Gabe finally turned around, his silly grin turning to one of amusement.

"Dude what ARE you wearing?" He asked, shaking his head as he unlocked his door, walking in before shutting it behind him.

Ryland stood in disbelief, looking down at his bright orange boxers with neon yellow polka dots and his white tank top. He looked back up at the now closed door before shaking his head and walking back into his own apartment.

"Freak." He mumbled under his breath, closing his door.

On the other side of the hall Gabe was sat in an armchair, staring into space once more.

Kyira on the other hand, was now fast asleep in her apartment, crashed on her bed. The silk sheets clung to her body as she dreamed sweet dreams involving a certain lead singer.
They were together in a park, the summer sun shining down on them as they lay on the grass. It was empty except for the two of them and very quiet. Not a word was spoken between them and the only sound was the babble of a stream somewhere near them and a bird's song in the sky. It was a moment of utter serenity. As she dreamed she remembered the kiss and suddenly they were kissing, Gabe half on top of her. The grass tickled her bare toes as her arms wrapped around his neck and his hands ran down her sides. Their legs intertwined as their tongues danced together. His lips were soft on hers but passionate. They rolled over so she was now straddling him, her hair hanging down around their faces like a curtain.

The moment was purely magical.

But then the setting changed and it was a stormy day. It was still at the park but...Gabe had disappeared. Kyira ran around frantically in the rain, calling out his name. But he didn't respond.
She ran and ran, entering the dark woods surrounding her and carried on calling out his name but to no avail. The thunder boomed above as the rain pelted down, the droplets made bigger by the leaves above. She looked around beginning to give up hope when something caught her eye. She spun around to see Gabe, standing in the distance.

He just stood their. Not moving, not saying a word.

She gasped, smiling, before walking towards him. But he moved away. Kyira stopped, confused, when he started walking away, not looking back. Her face turned to one of pain as she ran after him but it was no use. She never got closer to him and he walked away, leaving her alone.

Grief struck her hard, making her collapse to the ground in tears. Thunder boomed around her and lightning struck, hitting the ground a few feet from her.

Kyira woke up with a start, tears streaming down her face. She jumped out of bed, rushed to the toilet and emptied her stomach. Slumped over the basin next to her she sobbed, her breath ragged and her cheeks flushed.

What was wrong with her?
Why did she feel so strongly about him?

She had so many questions but so few answers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Damn I got like 5 comments after that last chapter.
Thanks guys =]
Another 5 for another chapter prehaps?