Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter Six

It had been a week since Kyira's nightmare, three days since the semi-date and a week since she had heard from Gabe Saporta. He hadn't called and she hadn't seen him once. She, of course, blamed herself. She hadn't taken his number after all and in her eyes she must have done something wrong. Otherwise he would have called.

Stuart and Katy, who she had met up with each day since they met, knew what had happened and were both trying to keep her mind off of him. Through their efforts they met and had become good friends which helped them enormously. Katy had even gotten her boyfriend, Travis, to talk to Gabe and slyly find out what was up. In fact that is what he was doing today.

"Gabe, my man. I heard you found a girl." Travis teased when his friend opened the door to his apartment.
Gabe's expression turned to shock, wondering how he had gotten this nugget of information.

"Where'd you hear that?" He asked, closing the door behind his friend. They both took a seat in his living room and Gabe passed Travis a beer. He nodded his thanks before answering.

"Katy's friend told her the whole story. I'm here to find out why you haven't called." Travis got straight to the point, Katy's slyness plan going straight out the window.

"Kyira told you to come over?" Gabe asked, shocked. Travis shook his head.

"No Katy did. Kyira's way to proud and hopeful to do that. You're pretty lucky I convinced Katy to let me talk to you man or she'd have had your balls on a silver platter. She ain't happy." Travis explained, taking a sip of his cool beverage. Gabe winced at the thought.

"But why's she so pissed?" He gulped. Travis frowned, placing his beer down before leaning forward.

"Well they've become real close these pass few days, Katy considers her a best friend. I consider her a friend too. So...seeing her so hurt and so...disappointed; it really pisses Katy off. Hell it annoys me." Travis explained, a grim expression on his face. Gabe's hands twisted in his lap, guilt washing over him. He never meant to hurt her, he was just scared. He didn't want to feel this way, he didn't plan to. He's never believed in love at first sight, he's never stuck around long enough to check. But that shouldn't matter because it was only one date.
He was so confused.

"Travis I don't know what to do." Gabe admitted, rubbing his face. Travis's brow furrowed in confusion.

"What'd you mean? All you gotta do is call the girl." He said, trying to keep his tone neutral and not patronising. Offending his good friend was something his didn't want to do. Gabe sighed in frustration.

"That's not what I mean!" He cried. He then proceeded to explain everything to Travis, including his feelings which is something he rarely had to do. When he had finished he placed his face in his hands and bent forward once more. Travis thought for a moment before speaking.

"This is going to sound so damn corny what your heart says, man. Don't worry about what could happen and just take a chance. Life is nothing without a bit of risk." He said, his words deep and meaningful. Gabe looked up, his face one of a troubled man. He let Travis' words sink in.

"Well my job is done. Speak soon man." Travis patted his friend's shoulder before leaving. Gabe sat there for a moment before he came to a realisation. He had an important choice to make.

But how would it pan out?

And could he even do it?
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I really wanted to update =]
This time I will wait for comments though.
4 comments from 4 different people.