My Baby Shot Me Down

Rain Drops, So Does My Heart..

It was that song again. It slithered through the holes in the speakers of the radio that sat on her dresser. She sighs as it penetrates the walls that she built so carefully and dutifully. It always got her that song, it always made her think about him. Sighing again she jumped up and pulled on a jacket. Before leaving the house she turned around and glanced at the radio. As much as she hates that song she can't find it in her heart to turn it off at least not yet so she turns away and walks out the front door into the rain. The music plays on.

"Do you remember that day
you taught me how to dance in the rain
We didn't want to live
so we died that night in each others arms
the day you taught me how to dance"

She didn't even bother to pull on her hood as she walked past all the places that reminded her of him.

"Trying to out run the rain drops
falling but flying all at once
we aren't made to love its just a fact
but we still got up after every blow
the day you taught me how to dance"

It still stings even after all these years. She's older now and she doesn't dance all that much anymore but she still thinks of times when dying was lying in his arms and living was out running rain drops.

"Run with me love
I know I left you behind
my mistakes will kill me I know this
but I still think of those days"

She was running now. The bottom her jeans were soaked and her hair was drenched. Rain snakes down her cheeks and the wind chills her to the bone. Turning on the corner she ran down the street. Running past the fences and houses that she couldn't even recognize but she knew the way, she knew it by heart. She couldn't stop now, the dominoes were falling and things were set in motion.

"Shot down on the pavement
I can't say I mind
Looking through the memories
can't imagine what you'd find
but tonight if your listening
I'm right here
I'm right here"

Her breathing was heavy as she stood there in front of his house. Sure he didn't live there with his mum anymore but she could still feel him there it was probably the last place in this whole town that still felt of him. Staring at window wishing they were his eyes.

"Baby the rain drops
so does my heart."

Her breath gets tangled in her throat caught up in hope and fear as she catches a glimpse just a tiny glimpse.

"He's back," she whispers against the rain.
♠ ♠ ♠
here it is!!!
peace out