

Ultra sound pictures. They received ultra sound pictures in the mail that day. Frank was spooning with Gerard, Gerard's hand over his stomach, as they gazed at their baby boy. Frank was still a bit wary about a kid ("Come on, Gerard. What if I drop it? Or I forget to feed it?"), but Gerard knew that they'd be great parents. His only hesitation was that their baby wouldn't be their baby. They were both guys, Frank couldn't have a child. The baby was that of a sixteen year old that had made a "mistake" at a drunken party.

"Baby, you excited?" Gerard whispered into the top of Frank's soft hair.

"Yeah, but no."

"Really? How come?"

"Because when we get him, I won't be your baby anymore. And what if he's a brat? And like what if-what if something goes wrong, Gerard?" Frank uttered out fastly in a low tone.

"Frank, you'll always be my baby. No matter what. And if we don't spoil him too bad he won't be a brat, and I promise you nothing is going to go wrong." Gerard reassured his partner.

"No, don't promise me that. You can't make nothing happen to him." Frank stated, sadly.

"Honey, I'm sure everything is going to go fine." Gerard smiled even though Frank couldn't see him.

"I think he kinda looks like you," Frank smiled.

"Frank, it's a grainy, black and white scan. And you were the one who couldn't tell the foot from the hand." Gerard teased.

"Well, they looked the same!" Frank argued, giggling when Gerard tickled his stomach.

Truthfully, he wanted his partner to have that baby. He would never be with a woman, but he'd have done anything if Frank could get pregnant. Gerard wanted to be in the delivery room, he wanted to run to the grocery store at 3 AM for random craves Frank was having, and most of all, he wanted to hear the baby's heart beat when he rested his head on Frank's stomach.

Gerard sighed and pulled Frank tight to his chest, "We're gunna be parents, Frank."

"It's weird, like one day you're asking me out in the middle of the cafeteria and I'm standing there like a fish and now we're adopting a kid. It's so surreal ya know?" Frank said, reliving the glorious moments he had had so far with Gerard.

"Yeah. Have you thought of any names you like yet? I was starting to settle on Gerard Junior."

"Noooooo way."

"What?! Why not?"

"Because when we have sex I don't want to be moaning out my son's name. That's just creepy and wrong, Gerard."

Gerard smirked, tracing patterns on Frank's clothed stomach. "Okay, genius, you think of a name."

Frank giggled. "How about... Tristan?"

Gerard sighed, "Can Gerard be his middle name?"

Frank giggled, swatting at Gerard's hands. "Maybe."

"Tristan Gerard Iero-Way...I like it." Frank cooed out into the warm air of their home.

"Me, too." Gerard said as he kissed Frank's head again and leaned back into the couch more.

"How much longer does Mariah have til she's do again?"

" 'Bout a month or so. Maybe sooner. You never really know." Gerard answered as he twisted his fingers to intertwine with Frank's.


Gerard continued stroking Frank's stomach, which made him giggle. "You're really looking forward to the whole parent thing, aren't you?"

"Deffinently, " Gerard mumbled against Frank's neck. "We're gonna have a baby, Frank."

Frank smiled and sighed, "I love you, Gerard."

"I love you, too." Gerard replied as he nibbled on Frank's earlobe gently.

"Do you think I'll be a good father?"

"Frank, we'll be great fathers."

Frank smiled, sqeezing Gerard's hand. "I'm excited, too."

"Thank god for that," Gerard teased, "I was starting to wonder if you were to nervous to go through with it."

"Shut up," Frank giggled.

"We'll be able to take Tristan home soon," Gerard whispered.

"We still need to paint the nursery." Frank grumbled.

"What's wrong with it?" Gerard demanded, feeling a bit offended that Frank wanted to change his yellow paint job.

"What if the yellow keeps him from going to sleep? Or what if he gets scared when it's nighttime?" Frank worried.

"Frank," Gerard rolled his eyes, "it's not glow in the dark, he won't be able to see it when the lights go out."

"But I still think we should repaint it blue. It's more manly. What if when he grows up we tell him he had a yellow nursery and he flips out cause he knows that we didn't know if he was a boy or girl in time." Frank rambled.

"Baby, it's fine. Yellow is only a color."

"Alright." Frank sighed.

"Besides, we can reuse it if we ever have a girl."

"Don't get a head of yourself, one step at a time," Frank reminded him. "And I'm the one who's gonna be taking care of it all day, too."

"You're right," Gerard sighed. "I just really, really like kids."

"Oh, I know, I know," Frank teased, reminding Gerard of the sleepless nights where he could only think about their soon-to-be child.

One month and eight days later, their bundle of screaming, crying joy came into the world.

"Gerard! Why won't he stop crying?" Frank whined, as he bounced around the living room, staring down at his partner who was painting.

"Go try and feed him." Gerard suggested.

"Baby, can't you take care of him for a minute? I really want to sit down for a while."

With a sigh, Gerard put his brush in the cup of water infront of him, while standing up, "Tristan, do you want daddy?"

Tristan smiled widely and reached out for Gerard.

Frank gladly handed him over, "He totally loves you more."

"Naw," Gerard grinned, cupping the baby's head.

"I swear he does," Frank argued, smiling at the expression on Gerard's face. Gerard was totally in love with their child. He took Tristan with him to do everything, to see everything. Gerard would stop everything for him, he would let Tristan nap on his chest, or take long drives if Tristan fell asleep in the back seat.

Tristan blinked, reaching out his arms for Gerard's nose, Gerard grinned, and lightly kissed the top of Tristan's head. Gerard started swaying back and forth, and the baby immediately calmed down.

"Why doesn't he do that when I try?" Frank grumbled, giggling when Tristan pinched Gerard's cheek with his small fingers.

"I dunno, sugar. Maybe he gets his hyperness and cranky moods from you." Gerard teased.

"Ah, thanks so much, Gerard."

"Very welcome. Say, isn't Frankie Daddy too cute? Hm. Yes. Aw. Do you love him?" Gerard said to Tristan in "baby talk."

"What's that? love him bunches? Awh." Gerard smiled and walked to Frank, kissing his cheek.

"We both love you very much Frankie." Gerard smiled.

"Good to know," Frank giggled, pecking Gerard's lips, and then bending down to kiss Tristan's head.

"Daddy loves you, too," Frankie whispered, staring into Tristan's eyes. Tristan only looked up at him in a confused innocience.

"Hey, what about me?" Gerard pouted.

Frank rolled his eyes, pecking Gerard's lips again and giggling, "you, too, I suppose."

"AH!" Frank screamed, as Tristan reached up and looped one of his tiny fingers through Frank's lips ring and tugged on it.

Gerard stiffled a laugh and pried the hand away from Frank's face.

"Jesus, he should be the world's first baby wrestler." Frank said as he rubbed his lip.

"You alright, sugar?"

"Yeah, I think it's time for his nap." Frank said, as the whailing of Tristan could be heard again.

"Mhmm, I'll put him to sleep. You rest, you look tired," Gerard looked at him with somewhat concerned eyes.

Frank flopped onto the couch, turning on the television and muting the sound. The noise of Gerard singing to Tristan echoed through the house. Tristan wasn't able to fall asleep without Gerard singing to him anymore. Frank smiled, closing his eyes and listening to the familiar lullaby.
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Hi! Pixie here! This was written by me and my good friend Body Snatcher [formerly Stepha Righ?]. This was our short break from Room Mates. I'm in a baby mood, hehe. Be sure to check out Room Mates if you haven't already you can read it here.