The Story: Behind the Lives

One... Come on!

The last two weeks I'd been waiting.

Just waiting. For my period to come. Or not to come. The box he'd bought me the day another one failed was sitting next to me.

This was the day. Maybe our wish had come true.

I did what I had to placed it on the edge of the sink. From there I decided not to stare at it and wait, so I went around the house, smiling to myself at everything we'd eventually, maybe have to child lock. After waiting for what seemed five thousand years, I walked back into the bathroom, slowly, just incase it needed a little longer to come up with a sign.

I was at least three steps away from it. I tried looking at it from a distance, but that may have altered what I saw. I stepped the three steps and looked down.



Pink freakin' lines.

I picked it up and brought it closer to my face. Two pink lines.

Holy shit. I composed myself and put it back down, leaving it on the edge of the sink.

I grabbed my phone and searched for Lee's number.

Then I remembered. I put my phone down and pondered on who I could ring.

There was that one guys wife who was also in with The Joker.


There was only one person I could ring.

I dialed the number and waiting for it to start ringing.


"Baby, can you come home please?"

"What for?"

"I have to tell you something...."