The Story: Behind the Lives


"Why are you here, now, today?" I said, resting my hand on the door knob. It was also doing it's job in keeping me from falling to the ground with a thump.

"We thought now would be a great time to catch up."

We'd also lived in Gotham, I'd grown up right in the centre of town. Running around parks, playing with other kids my age, just in a normal family. Until one night, Daddy came home, drunk and filled with rage. Mummy told me and my older brother to go to his room and lock the door. We did as we were told, for the next 3 hours straight there was nothing but yelling and the smashing of obejcts all around what used to be a calm family environment. Daddy accused mummy of cheating with a man she worked with.

Once he'd ripped through mum, leaving her crying on the couch, he turned towards my brother's room, bashing the door with his bare fists.

"Let me in!" He screamed. I cuddled up to my brother, the first time in our lives we were both truly scared for our lives. Daddy succeded in breaking the door. He opened it and walked in, scanning and looking around, trying to find us. He stopped and looked at us, his eyes still burning with rage. This was the first time he'd ever done something like this to us.

He started to walk towards us, I shieled my face while my brother hugged me tighter.

"Nothing will happen to you Lex." He whispered in my ear before placing me on the ground as he rose and walked towards dad.

"She's not mine." He spat, pointing his finger at me.

"Yes she is, dad, mum never cheated on you, just get to bed." My brother said. motioning towards the door.

"She doesn't even bloody look like me, your a sin child." He spat again, his voice louder this time.

"GO NOW!" My older brother, yelled. He was such a protector. I loved my older brother, there was a 7 year difference, he wasn't just my brother, he was my bodyguard. The only I kept in touch with. Ever since that night I'd resented daddy.

And now, he was at my door step, pleading for forgiveness. Wanting to make things right. That's when mummy stepped out the car and started walking towards the front door of my house. A house filled with a criminal and a pregnant woman.

"We thought it was time to make things right for this family." And thats when another car drove up to our house, a black ute with dark tinted windows. The car stopped and turned itself off. The driver door opened and a grown man stepped out. As he walked closer I realised who it was.

"Jase!" I yelled, running past my parents, hugging my brother in the tightest grip I'd hugged anyone in for a long time. Tears started to run down my face.

"Why are you all here?" I asked.

"To make things right, we want to be part of your life, and hopefully you'll want to be part of ours." Jase answered smiling. As we walked in the front door, Mum looked around and whistled.

"Nice house." She remarked, dad nodding along.

Maybe it was time to forgive dad, for all he did, for claiming I wasn't his. Because I was. Dad had been one of my hero's. All of my family had been, we had to stick together.

I finally walked in front of my parents and smiled. I opened my arms as they both did and we all hugged.

After we'd seperated mum asked me the question I'd been trying to tip toe around.

"Who's my little girl's lucky man?"

My throat tightened up, not letting my answer out.

"You'll see." I said, touching my belly lightly, wondering how our baby would turn out.

Maybe now we'd get married earlier.