The Story: Behind the Lives

This isn't mine.

I was on the highway. I was going to a hotel, which one I didn't know yet. But one as far away from him as possible.

The sun shone in my eyes as I lost control and was heading for the barrier. There was another car already parked on the side of the highway, and I was heading straight for it. I tried to swerve, I started to have a panic attack as I lost complete control and the car almost collided when I remembered one thing.

I shielded my stomach and closed my eyes and started to pray.

If I didn't live, I hoped my baby would at least.


I woke up in hospital with tubes in my arms and down my throat, I went into a panic state again and started to thrash around on the bed. I heard the door slam open as tears slid down the side of my face and I tried to scream.

A doctor was standing by my side and was trying to talk to me, I tried blocking out the ringing in my ears and tune in to what he was saying.

"Do you want to talk, squeeze my hand once if you do."

I squeezed once. He quickly started to pull the tube out of my throat, it touched the sides of the inside of my throat and hurt on the last bit he pulled. I took a big breath of air and started to cry.

"You were in an accident Mrs..... um, Lexia."

That's when I realised.

"BABY!" I shouted as I felt a needle poke into my arm.

"Still alive and well, you had a cesarean, we delivered the baby otherwise it wouldn't have survived from the stress you were under." The doctor explained, pointing to a crib in the corner of the room.

I started to calm down, from either the needle, or knowing my baby was safe, I'll never know.

"Do you have anyone we can contact?" The nurse to the right of me asked.

"Erm, I, don't, I just..." I started.

"Nevermind, we'll find out later."

"Was there anyone in the other car?" I asked, dreading the words that I'd killed someone.

"No, the owner of the car had been walking to a highway phone when we saw what happened, he's very lucky, and so are you Miss." The doctor said.

I nodded and tried my best to smile.

"You may want to rest miss, you've had a mighty crash, you're going to bruise up in the next couple of days, so don't be worried."

As he started to leave I breathed a sigh of relief. I was safe, my baby was safe.

As the other doctors and nurses started to leave, one remained behind.

"Miss, we need a contact number of someone, possibly the baby's father." I recited a number out to her, although it wasn't his.


I woke up with Jase beside me, and my mum and dad.

"Are you okay Lex?" Jase asked, leaning over the bed.

"I'm fine." I replied, smiling.

He breathed a sigh of relief as I looked over to my crib.

"She's beautiful" Mum cooed.

"She?" I replied, shocked.

"That's right Lexia, she." Mum answered, bringing her over.

"But I was expecting a boy, there must be a mistake."

"Nope, right arm tag and everything." Dad said, putting his finger to my baby's little hand.

I pressed the buzzer about 4 or 5 times before a nurse came in.

"I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE A BOY." I yelled, pointing to bundle in my mother's arms.

The nurse looked at me oddly.

"I'll go and get a doctor." She replied and ran out of the room.

"This is wrong." I muttered to myself.

"Do you want a hold of her?" Mum asked.

"Not until I know for sure it's my baby." I replied, turning away from her direction and fiddling with the small band aid keeping the needle in my skin.