The Story: Behind the Lives

Reaping the benefits.

We'd finally gotten back home and I'd left him in the lounge with the two duffel bags that were ours and Amy. I got into the shower and almost ripped my clothes off. I turned the hot water tap on half way and the cold water on a friction. I stepped in and let the scalding water run over my body. I grabbed the soap off the holder and scrubbed everywhere possible, my face, my back, my stomach, everywhere. It was the worst feeling I'd had in a while. I heard the bedroom door open and he was talking to Amy. I heard him lay her down on the bed and take off his own coat and shirt, leaving his scar riddled bare chest on show. He walked into the fogged up bathroom with Amy and opened the shower door.

"Maria said she was great." He said handing Amy over to me as I put the soap back on the holder.

"Hey baby girl." I said kissing her forehead, I put her on my hip and turned the cold water on more. She blinked her eyes from the water rushing over face and clapped her hands, smiling. I was lucky to have such a good baby. I washed Amy's tiny body down and stepped out of the shower, leaving it running for him. I put a towel down on the bed and laid Amy on it, her legs and arms up in the air, she was trying to grab her feet. I dried myself off and put on a long shirt and a pair of underwear. After I'd dried Amy off I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a container of baby food out of the cupboard.

I was sitting on the couch with Amy when I heard the shower finally turn off. After he'd come out he reached out for Amy, I handed her to him and gave him her food. I switched on the television and crossed my legs on the couch, heaving a sigh of relief. Relief that I was out of the bank, out of the arms of that guard. I started to braid my hair when a news flash came on.

A guard has been found shot dead at one of Gotham's banks, police believe foul play was involved and already have a suspect, The Joker.

I gripped my hair as they showed the guard being wheeled out underneath a white sheet.

"Are you sure they won't find us out here?" I whispered, my hands leaving my hair and finding one of his arms and gripping onto that.

"They've already seen us, and they found nothing, were fine." He answered, his eyes on the screen.

Police have found a tape inside the coat of another dead young man, believed to be aged around 21. He is believed to have been involved in the money laundering scheme.

As the reporter finished her sentence a video came on of the guys in their masks, then it moved onto a shot of me standing behind The Joker and he raising his gun to the guard, all I heard in my head was the shot, though not loud it remained in my head. It showed the guard falling to the floor and him walking over to the body.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I said getting up from the couch and pacing the lounge room.

More on the bank robbing on tomorrow mornings news, police are now looking for a woman, aged in her late 20's to early 30's who may have been involved.

I threw my hands up in the air and sunk back into the couch.

"I can't be caught, what now? You had one more guy with you that day!" I said turning to him.

"Don't worry about him." He replied. He then got up, walked into Amy's room. I heard him sing a short lullaby and turn the light off, walking back into the lounge.

"Is he dead?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered.

"I've just had Amy, I cannot be getting caught doing things for you!" I said, moitioning with my hands.

"Okay then!" He yelled back, standing up. I stood up to look him in the eye, he was't going to tower over me.

"I need you to tell me you'll stop." I said.

"Are you crazy!?" He screamed in my face. I flinched as he grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"No, I'm not, we have a baby to think about! Can't you get it through your head?" I answered getting out of his hold.

"This is who I am, you agreed to live with it, it can't stop because we have a baby." He answered.

"Yes, you can." I replied, grabbing his face and running my thumbs over his cheeks, tears running down my own. He pulled out of my grip and stood firm.

That was when the sting started. The time I had to react between his hand raising and slapping my face wasn't enough to stop. The anger on his face told me I'd pushed to far.

I sat back on the couch and lifted my hand to my face. I felt his hand reach under my chin and lift my face up to look at his. I felt the cold blade under my throat and winced.

"You promised you wouldn't pull this on me." I said through gritted teeth, my hand falling back to my side, the tears kept running down his hand and onto my lap.

"I never keep promises." He said, his voice changing and talking to me like I was a sidekick.

I felt the blade leave my throat and travel down my neck, my breaths becoming shorter and louder, still through gritted teeth.

"I've left my mark on everyone else, now it's your turn, my love."

This time he wouldn't stop.

I felt the knife carve it's way into the base of my neck and made it's way across.

"Please. Don't." I cried, almost dry-reaching.

He stopped and lifted the knife off. He kneeled down in front of me.

"Don't ever tell me I need to get rid of my job again, I'm the reason your alive, I'm the reason you have a baby, I'm the reason you live the life you do, I'm the reason you have everything.

I put my hand to my neck and pushed against the 5cm wound to try and stop the bleeding. He lifted his hand away from my chin and got up and walked into our room. I saw the light turn on and then turn off again.

My eyes glazed over and I fell to the floor on my knee's, gripping the fresh wound and seeing spots of blood stain the carpet.