The Story: Behind the Lives


I grabbed a blanket from the cupboard and went back to the couch, I settled myself in and grabbed the remote. It was that time of the night when the only thing that was on was informercials.


I switched the tv off and closed my eyes.

"LEXXX!!" I heard from our room. He was probably in apology mode. I made myself comfortable and sighed.

"LEX!" I heard again.

"Argh!" I yelled and sat up, brushing my hair out of my face.

"WHAT!" I screamed back.

"Come into the room." He replied.

I walked to the bedroom door and stood there and switched the light on. I saw him squint and adjust his eyes.

"What?" I said, folding my arms, the bandage over my neck had been soaked with blood. I walked into the bathroom and got out the first aid kit. I search through it for another huge gauze band aid.

I changed the bandages and looked into the mirror, he was behind me and had his hands close to the wound.

"Don't." I said.

I stepped to the side and walked into the bedroom, sitting on my side of the bed.

"I just... I'm so..." He started.

Apology mode, see?

"Just don't." I replied and laid down, covering myself with the blanket and turning on my side. I felt the bed dip and he sighed.

He turned to my side and kissed the back of my neck, rolled back over and fell asleep.

"I can't help but love you." I whispered to myself and touch the aided wound on my neck.