The Story: Behind the Lives

Caught out.

I kept coming in and out of conciousness when my body finally decided to let me stay awake, at least they'd chosen to dress me, I was tied to a chair with only a pair of underwear and a long shirt. My head lolled around on my neck and I groaned.

"She's awake." I heard. It sounded like the person was far away, but in actual fact they were right behind me. In front of me I saw him bound and gagged, standing on a bucket with a noose around his neck.

How could we get caught?
Weren't we the villians that never got caught?
Who saw what we did to the guard?
Why didn't they just hand us into the police.

Anything would have been better than being bound up and staring at your partner across from you only inches from being hung by the neck. My breathing sped up when I finally realised Amy.

"AMY!" I screamed, which seemed to jolt The Joker into life and realise where he was. Someone came from behind me and put a hand over my mouth.

"Your daughter has nothing to do with this, she's safe, she'll be looked after by new parents." The person said.

My eyes started to well up when I thought about her.

"Please." I started.

"Shush, shush, shush, darling, she's being looked after, just like her mum is going to be." He replied getting close to my face touching my cheek with the tip of his tongue. I realised my feet weren't bound and lifted my leg up and kicked him in between the legs.

He dropped to the ground and The Joker looked at me and smirked. Another guy came up behind me and pulled my hair back hard and stuck a knife to my throat.

God I was so sick of knives being near my throat.

"Take a good look at her Joker, it's the last time you'll see her." the first guy said once he'd recovered from the shock to his groin. I started to feel my chair dragging against the ground as it was tilted backwards.


I was thrown onto a mattress in the middle of a dank floor, my hands still tied together and duct tape over my mouth. The guy that was in the room with me spread my legs apart and smiled. I threw up in my mouth.

He started to pull my underwear down and my shirt up, so I looked back at a wall when something caught my eye.

Yes, this was my ticket out, now all I needed to do was get my tied up hands on it.