The Story: Behind the Lives


The next morning I woke up with a jolt. I jumped in the shower, put on a pair of jeans and a loose black shirt.

I just poured two cups of coffee when I heard him come out, dressed in his usual get up.

I hadn't even finished half my cup when I got the car keys and put a pair of joggers on.

"We have to get her, the earlier she's back with us, the better." I said, motioning for the front door.

- - - - - - - - -

We were on the main road through Gotham City, police everywhere.

My parents lived in a surburban area of Gotham and the only way to get there was through the main stretch. I kept glanicing in the back seat at Amy's chair, just hoping she's appear there.

"I can't believe my parents would do this to me." Putting my head in my hands.

I felt his hand on my head, just resting there.

"Believe me, they're gonna pay."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We arrived at the house and I took a deep breath, no police around or anything. This would make it alot easier.

I jumped out of the car and almost ran to the front door.

Anything to get her back.

The Joker motioned his hand for him to go around and go in the back door, while I walked up to the front. That way they would have nowhere to run.

I rang the doorbell and waited.

Dad answered.

"Lexia." Was all he said.

"Dad, I believe you have something of mine." I said, barging in the front door past my dad and into the lounge. There she was, holding my baby.

"Lexia, what the hell are you doing here?" Dad said to me.

"You didn't think we'd get out alive?" I answered, keeping my eyes on my mum.

"Lee set this whole thing up with you? Jase broke up with her, moves away and you STILL talk to her? You didn't think I told him to break it off for a fucking reason!?" Anger rising up in me, I heard the back door slam.

"Sorry to barge in on you like this, but I believe she belongs to us." The Joker said, walking over to Amy.

"Move a step and I'll blow your head off." Dad said, while I'd bveen staring down mum, he'd gotten a gun from god knows where.

"Not if I blows yours off first, and we don't want it to come to that do we now?" He replied, almost egging my dad on.

I glanced at the TV and tuned out what was happening around me.

A fire was started in an old, abandoned warehouse outside Gotham City yesterday, believed to be accidental. Once the blaze was put out, firemen went inside to look for bodies. 5 have been found, along with the belongings of suspected bank criminal The Joker, and his accomplice who has been indentified as a girl named Lexia, believed to be not only The Jokers partner in crime, but also his partner in life.... More news on this, tonight.

"You're supposed to be dead, aren't you?" Mum asked me.

"Yep, and you were supposed to just keep my baby and never mention anything .. but that's not gonna happen either." I replied.

"You both can still be killed, if it has anything to do with me." Dad said, still pointing the gun at him, not taking his eye off him.

"Not if I have anything to do with it." I said, and as quickly as the blade had been brandished from my jeans had my dad's throat been cut, I heard him fall to the ground and the gun dropped beside him.

I looked down at him, his hands gripping the wound I'd just inflicted on my own father.

I heard him struggle for breath and start to gurgle from the blood that was overflowing from his hands and over the white carpet.

I walked over to where my mum was put my arms out.


Mum lifted Amy up and gave her to me straight away.

"I've lost any fucking trust I had left for you, I'm glad I had nothing to do with you, this is the last time you'll see me, Jase, and Amy." I said, gripping Amy in my arms.

Looking down at my poor, helpless mum, The Joker put his arm around me.

"Let me finish her." He begged.

Her eyes opened wide.

She knew.

"Make it hurt." I replied.

As I walked out of that house, hearing my mother's screams of pain, I smiled to myself, the same eerie smile The Joker had implanted on his face.

As I sat in the car and watched my life walk out of that house he nodded.

Everyone would soon know we were still alive.

Everyone would soon know we were out for revenge.

No-one could save the city of Gotham.

Not even Batman.