I was in love with a boy

The day that it began

Gerard’s POV

I blew upwards I was in my own world and no one could wake me from it, that’s why I missed my name in role.
“Dude” the kid next to me turned to me.
“Oh yeah! Sorry”
I turned to him “Thanks”
“T’s Ok” he replied and I couldn’t help but notice when I looked at him that he had the best brown eyes I had ever seen. And he was staring at me, I don’t think he even realised. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze; he was cute and staring at me. His brown hair hung just above his shoulders with blond and black highlights he was…so cute I thought to myself. Too bad he probably isn’t gay.
Just then the bell rang and I jumped out of my seat. He caught me by the shoulder and I spun around to look at him which of course made my heart rate increase severely.
“Hey” he said to me “Frank…you?”
“Oh Gerard”
“Oh yeah. Hey what class do you have next?”
“Oh cool I have that too, we can walk together if you want?”
“Oh um okay”
“Well, never mind, it was just an idea.”
“No! That’d be cool” nice save, see the thing is I could tell I already had a small crush on this Frank guy, I just hoped he wasn’t homophobic, I could use a friend if only that.
We left the classroom and started making our way down the hall when a kid I recognised ran into me. He recoiled immediately and spat abuse at me.
“Stay away from me you fucking Faggot!”
The words stung, no matter how many times you hear them.
“Hey shut up Kyle!” What…was Frank sticking up for me?
“Oh, got yourself a boyfriend Iero? Well don’t worry I want nothing to do with you and your little bitch!” with that he ran off leaving Frank and I in a very awkward silence.

“Thanks” I said. I was grateful. So grateful.
“No problem…friend of yours?”
“Yeah we are mega close”
He sniggered at this. “Don’t worry about Kyle he just moved here and no one really likes him.”
“Yeah he was at my old school then he moved to Chicago.”
“Oh well we should probably get to biology now.” He reminded me.