I was in love with a boy

Boarding schools

Gerard’s POV
Beep…Beep…Beep… and so my nightmare continued. I was slipping in and out of consciousness. I was missing the one thing in my life that I truly loved, Frank.
“Frank…” I whispered and with that I fell back into darkness for the third time today.
“He’s lost a lot of blood.”
“He needs a transfusion.”
“Inform the doctors, he’ll need surgery on his shoulder and he shouldn’t be on the public ward.”
“Do we have any information on his family?”
“His parents have been contacted and are on their way.”
Mikey’s POV
We were walking into the private room that Gerard would be moved into to rest after his 3 hour operation. This left time to kill; I left the room not really liking the direction my parent’s conversation was taking about boarding schools. Damn them! If Gerard went so would I, we were like best friends and I would stick by my brother! Even if that meant moving to like wherever. I walked down to the canteen and bought a coffee and sat and watched the TV. Arsenal was top of the league and I started watching match of the day, it was some cup final or whatever and Arsenal and Chelsea had a big bust up on the pitch, it was quite funny to watch. But the woman crying behind me reminded me of Gerard and his operation.
The woman was sitting with a girl who must have been her daughter, she looked about my age and she was crying as well. I felt sorry for them, but from what I gathered from their conversation the girls dad wasn’t dead, just in a critical condition after being shot. After a while the woman said something about going to check how the operation was going and left the canteen. That left the girl on her own and I felt really sorry for her, and I wanted some company right now so I went over to sit next to her.
“Hi” I said. She looked up quite alarmed but after she got over the initial shock of someone talking to her she relaxed a little.
“I’m Mikey”

“Alicia” she responded.

“Are you ok?”
“I am, my dad isn’t though, he got shot and they have to do some big operation but it looks like he will pull through, I think he will he was in the army so this isn’t the first time he got shot but still.”
“I’m sorry. My brother got stabbed on our road. He’s critical but he’ll be fine as well. He’s been through quite a lot so he’s tough.”
“Why did he got stabbed?”
“Well these random chavs stabbed him because he was gay.”
“Damn Homophobes.”
“Thank you!” I literally screamed. She chuckled at this, and I couldn’t help but notice she had a really nice smile.
“So are you…you know” she asked.
“No. I just don’t see the problem with it.”
“Cool. Not that there is anything wrong with it.”
Before I had time to answer the room filled with the sound of ‘The Smashing Pumpkins- Bullet with Butterfly wings.
“Hey I love that song!” she literally screamed.
“The world is a vampire…”
“Yeah me too” I said whilst answering my cell phone. It was my Mom asking if I could bring her up a coffee. I said I would and then turned to Alicia.
“That was my Mom, I have to go.”
“Oh, okay.” I could see the disappointment on her face, and I didn’t really want to leave her right now but I had too.
“Um. Could I maybe…see you sometime?” God I was so nervous, I had asked girls out before but it never went so well, last time I asked a girl out she literally screamed “I WOULDN’T GO OUT WITH YOU EVEN IF YOU WERE THE LAST HUMAN BEING LEFT!”
That had kind of taken its toll.
“Yeah. I’d like that.” A grin spread across my face and so I got her cell phone number and aim (yes she was American too!) and went to bring my Mom a coffee and to see how Gerard was doing. I met my dad on the way upstairs he was going to go to the bathroom near the reception but we barely acknowledged each other. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to him and I couldn’t help but realise it was his fault Gerard felt the need to be on the street last night. I shuddered at the thought of Gerard being surrounded and stabbed and wondered if Dad felt responsible, or hell if he cared!
Frank’s POV

It was about three when I got to the hospital and I went to the desk to ask for Gerard. The receptionist was being very stubborn telling me she couldn’t give me any details only that Gerard was here. I was turning around to go and see if I could find a member of his family or someone who could be of more help when I ran smack into his Dad.
“Frank?!” surprise fell off his face and I suddenly felt exposed and unsafe.
“Umm…Mr. Way. Is Gee okay? I mean Gerard?” I gave him a pleading look.
“Frank, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Gerard has just passed away. I think it would be best if you didn’t bother our family again, you have caused enough trouble already.”
With that he walked passed me into the bathrooms and I walked outside and into the hospital playground and sat on the swings. Dead? No! He couldn’t be. He was coming for me, he wouldn’t leave me! But he had, he had left me alone in the world and I didn’t know what to do. So I did the only thing I could think of.
I sat down by a tree and opened my bag. I pulled out my Swiss army knife and opened it. I looked down at the blade and the permanent solution to my problem looked like the best option. It was beginning to rain and I brought the blade to my wrist. I put the blade point to my wrist and dragged it down hard over my skin and as it penetrated my veins the warm liquid flowed out of my arm and dripped down my body onto the grass. I did the same to my other wrist and then rested my head against the tree. I fell asleep and the darkness took over my body.
Mikey’s POV
Two hours later Gerard was wheeled into his room, the doctors said he was going to be fine but needed time to recover. He would need to rest for two weeks at the hospital minimum before they would discharge him. He was awake within half an hour and began muttering Frank’s name. At least he would probably be able to see him soon. Right?
“Ger. It’s me Mikey. Frank’s not here, but Mom and Dad are.”
“I don’t want to see them I want Frank” At this my dad left the room, I guess he had still not accepted Ger.
“Ger. You need to rest but I promise I will track down Frank and tell him to come. Okay?”
“Thanks Mikes. Take his number of my phone ok? The nurses said they had my stuff.”
I went to get the phone number and as I walked out my dad walked in. The damn homophobe.