I was in love with a boy

He said you were...you know

Mikey's POV
Gerard was recovering well and the doctors told us that he would be kept in for only another 3 days just as a precaution, hell he had been stabbed. We were back at home even though it didn’t really feel like home and we were sitting down watching the TV. I was texting Alicia seeing if she wanted to meet up some time soon because I found out she lived in Islington, really close to where we lived when my parents told me to go up to bed. It was only 11 so I was curious to se why they had sent me earlier than usual. I hung back on the stairs and from where I was sitting I could see my dad was holding forms and he and my Mom started to fill them in.
“I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem right to send him away.”
“Honey, he’s gay, he can’t live here.”
At that point I ran down the stairs to face them.
“Mikey, be serious.”
“I am serious.” My voice was low and threatening and my mom didn’t take to well to me being rude to my dad.”
“Mikey, go upstairs now or else.”
“Or else what?”
“THIS!” my dads hand flew up and smacked me right across my face and I fell to the ground onto his beer bottle which fell over and spilled all over the rug.
“You little spaz! You’re almost as bad as he is, now get upstairs before I give you something to really cry about.”
“I’m not crying” I pointed out, holding back my tears I wouldn’t let him see how much he had hurt me.
I ran up to Gerard’s old room, I had a habit of going up there instead of my room, it was nicer than mine, it had its own bathroom and even better my dad would never ever step inside here. I went and lay down on the bed and cried until I fell asleep. I woke up at 3 am fully clothed and went into the bathroom. My eyeliner had run down my face and my eyes were red and puffy. I got into the

shower letting the warm water soothe me and for a while I forgot about how bad our situation was and I allowed my thoughts to wander. I stood there for about half hour thinking about Alicia, her long black hair and how her dark brown eyes hypnotised me. I got out of the shower feeling a lot better. I got dressed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a Misfits tee.
I walked over to Gerard’s mobile to call Frank. It was about 5 hours ahead in Jersey so it would be about 9ish. I dialled Frank’s number and waited.
Frank’s POV
“Hey! Who’s that over there?”
“I don’t know, hey he’s bleeding!”
“Should we call an ambulance?”
“No. The bleeding’s stopped.”
“Does he have a pulse?”
“Yeah, I can feel it.”
“Let’s bring him with us, he’ll fit in.”
“Yeah ok help me get him to the car.”
“Hey, his phone is ringing.”
“Leave it when he wakes up he can deal with it, I don’t want to get involved.”
Two days later
Gerard’s POV
I was being discharged today and my parents and Mikey were coming to pick me up. Mikey had been to see me everyday but had been a little weird around me; I was getting a bad feeling about going home.
They came at 10am after my final check over. My parents went to check me out and so me and Mikey had a chance to talk.
“Hey Ger.”
“Hey Mikes.”
“How have you been?”
“Great. Considering. Hey have you got hold of Frank yet?”
“No. I’ve left him like 3 voice messages and like 1000 text messages.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll try later. He might have gotten mad about me not going to meet him.”
“Who’s mad?” my dad asked as he entered the room.
“No one.” We said simultaneously.
“Oh…Frank. Well you should forget about him Gerard, I’m sure he’s forgotten all about you.”
“You’re wrong.” I said. I was so angry at Dad right now. But I couldn’t control the tears running down my face. I got into my wheelchair and Mikey pushed me out of the room. My Mom followed my dad into the room to pick up my stuff. Mikey left me in the hall claiming he had left is phone and he’d be right back.
Mikey’s POV
I stood by the door to Gerard’s room, my parents were inside talking.
“You told him Gerard was dead! Honey how could you!”
“Its better this way, he will stop bothering us and Gerard can forget all about him.”
“I suppose, but Gerard has been gay for quite a while and you have never accepted it…maybe it’s time you did, maybe it’s time we both did.”
I walked into the room and quickly grabbed my phone without letting them know I had overheard them. Damn dad had sunk low this time. I went back to Gerard and we headed to the car.
When we got home I helped him up to his room and put on some music. I sat down and we were silent for a while whilst he tried to call Frank. I had to tell him what I knew.
“Gerard…I need to tell you something.”
“Yeah what is it?”
“You know the night when you first went into the hospital.”
“Well yeah.”
“Frank came…but I swear I had no idea! I just overhear Mom and Dad in your room, and well…”
“What did dad do?”
“He told Frank you were…you know…dead.”