I was in love with a boy

Mallison house

Gerard’s POV
I couldn’t believe it…actually no wait I could! My Dad had never sunk so low but hell he had to start at some point. There was no way I would let him get away with this! I called Frank again but I only got to his voicemail, his phone was switched of and I literally screamed;
I looked over at Mikey;
“Thanks for having my back man.”
“That’s alright. But you should also know Mom and Dad are also planning to send you off to some random boarding school as well.”
“GERARD!!” My Mom was calling me from downstairs.
“I guess they are going to tell me now.”
“I’ll help you down.”
We went down the stairs and Mikey and I sat on the couch as Mom and Dad stood. By the time they had finished talking I was ready to scream. Methody! In Belfast! What the hell!
Frank’s POV
I rolled over on the bed and opened my eyes; stripped wall paper with graffiti was not what I was expecting to see.
“Welcome to Mallison house.” I turned to see a boy about my age standing in the doorway.
I sat up and looked around. The place was a dump.
“Where?” I asked.
“Mallison house, we are in Kings Cross but out of the way.”
“Umm. Hi.” A smile stretched across the boys face at my greeting.
“Hey. I’m Bob Bryar. If you need anything just tell me.” As he stood up and waved goodbye I noticed he had marks o his wrists just like mine.
“Hey! Do you know anywhere I can get some food?”
“Sure follow me.” I smiled my thanks and got up to follow him.

He was a cool kid and we got on quite well. We walked down to McDonalds and I bought 3 large fries. I was a vegetarian so I wasn’t going to get anything else. Bib got a big Mac meal and we sat down by the window.
Bob started of the conversation;
“So…if you don’t mind me asking…how did you…”
“You mean why did I try to kill myself? It’s fine. My boyfriend died on his way to see me. You see his dad was homophobic and moved them to London, we are from Jersey. We were running away and on his way he got stopped and stabbed for being gay. I came to London to see him but by the time I got there his dad told me he was dead.” I stopped there because my eyes were filling with tears again but I managed to hold them back.
“So why did you?”
“Well, we aren’t very different. I had a boyfriend called Ray. He was really cool and had really big hair.” He laughed at this point. “I loved him, but he hurt me, he had anger management and if something didn’t go right in his band or anything he would take it out on me. One day he was caught buying drugs and he stole a car to get away from the police but he died during the chase. I had nothing to live for after that, my parents died at an early age and my brother couldn’t live with a gay brother so I was kicked out at the age of 11 and found Mallison house. I stayed there ever since. I’m 17 now. How old are you?”
“Cool, we’re like the same age.”
“Way to state the obvious.”
“Hahaha. Yeah. Well anyways I’m going to a party tonight over at a nearby estate…wanna come?”
“Sure…it’s not like I have anything else to do. Hey that reminds me I should check my cell.”
I tried to turn on my cell.
“No battery damn!”
“Hey man, I have that phone, if you want we can go back to the house and put it on charge whilst we go to the party.”
“Yeah cool.”
We went back to Mallison house and left my phone on charge whilst Bob and I went out for the night. I would check my cell when I got back.