I was in love with a boy


Gerard’s POV
I had 2 days before I had to leave for Methody. My dad who had ‘connections’ at the school had wasted no time in dumping me somewhere and at this point if I killed him in my sleep I wouldn’t be surprised. The school was somewhere in Belfast which I was soon to discover wasn’t in Germany but Northern Ireland. I couldn’t believe that somewhere Frankie could still think I was dead. What if he did something stupid? If anything happened to Frankie I don’t think I could bear it. The thought ate away at me and I just sat around for most of the 2 days hoping Frankie would call me or receive one of the billions of messages we had sent him.
Frank’s POV
Once we had finished our McDonalds Bob and I walked back to the house and put my phone on charge, and then left for the party. It was in full swing when we arrived at about seven which was rather early I thought but hey what the hell!
Bob knew everyone and soon I was talking to all his friends like we had known each other for years. Most of them were also smoking weed quite heavily and after some persuading I was convinced to try some as well. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and after a while I had completely let loose and all thoughts of Gerard and my family were put aside. I had been through quite a lot in the last few days and allowed myself a bit of a rest, if you could have called it that.
For some reason someone called Matt had stolen quite a lot of watermelons and every once and a while chucked one down onto people from the terrace, it was actually pretty frightening the second time because Bob got nailed in the head and was unconscious for about five minutes but after he woke up we managed to see the funny side of it and Matt stuck to the water balloons which he occasionally filled with alcohol. I could tell I would get along with these people, hell yes they were criminals and drug abusers and alcoholics but you know they were such fun people to hang with, the irony of life.
At about ten I had literally drunk my body weight in alcohol and we were all inside the house dancing around the living room, breaking stuff and knocking over furniture, couples were doing a bit more than making out on the side and for a brief second I was reminded of Gee, but the pain was slowly numbed by another beer which Bob handed to me.
Not long after they started to play the first slow song of the night and we all just started swaying to the music in a mass wave of drunken teenagers, the football was on the television somewhere in the background but it was barely audible through the drone of voices. For the first time in ages I felt so at home and I could see myself staying here for a long time. Slowly the crowd grew and the songs stayed slower and now couples took up most of the dance floor and I was surprised to notice that one or two of them weren’t boy/girl couples but boy/boy or girl/girl and I was relieved in the fact that my sexuality was perfectly fine here.
Bob and I were extremely close in no time, partially pushed by the crowd but not fully and once he had dropped his beer he wrapped his arms around my waist, his touch made me jump, I had never been so intimate with another guy except for Gee, and there it was again the stabbing pain in my
chest when I remembered Gee and how he was dead. I couldn’t help feel partially responsible for that, but I forced thoughts of him out of my head for the last time tonight because something else was happening.
Bob and I had got to the point where there was only an inch of space between our chests and it was fast closing, the strange thing is that I didn’t feel so guilty anymore about forgetting Gee, he would want me to move on and Bob was a really cool guy. God knows how long we stayed like that before it happened. I wasn’t planning on it, I’m not sure if he was but with a surge of movement in the crowd we were completely thrown together and our faces were now an inch apart. God this felt good and before I could even think what to do next Bobs lips had closed in on mine, soft and warm on mine and beer flavoured. I smiled into the kiss as I tasted the alcohol and realised we were both off our faces and how we may not have built up the courage to do this otherwise. Bobs tongue was in my mouth now, or was it the other way around? Who cared, all I needed tonight was Bob and I had him. Our tongues fought for dominance and eventually I gave into Bob who took complete control.
In no time we had weaved our way out of the crowd and had crashed onto one of the couches in full make out mode. He began nibbling my neck and I let out a small moan of pleasure. Bob was completely on top of me and the weight of his hips were crushing mine and we both wore full boners. It was an unbearable pleasure and soon Bob dragged me upstairs to crash into the nearest available bedroom, which was unfortunately already occupied by two boys. All the bedrooms were occupied we were soon to find and so we opted for the bathroom.
We both collapsed on the lino floor and threw off our shirts and jeans until we were standing there in just out boxers panting, tired already. A smile played across Bob’s face, more of a cheeky smirk than anything and I knew what he was thinking, God knows I knew.
Gerard’s POV
I sat on the plane to Belfast, I was being picked up by a taxi and taken to Methody at the other end, I thought about running for it but what was the point. I mean it’s a mixed boarding school can’t be too bad? I immediately hated myself for the thought. If I can’t have Frank, I don’t want anyone, but maybe I was just being stupid. Or was I? I had no clue where he was and no idea of how else to contact him, if he had received my messages he would return them, I know he would…he would wouldn’t he?
A wave of doubt swept over me and my heart rate increased, but it was numb and I barely felt the pain. My material heart may have been in my chest but it would always always belong to Frankie.