I was in love with a boy

Moved on

Frank's POV
Bobs weight crashed down on me as our hips collided again, I let out a strong moan as Bob moved deeper inside of me, it hurt but the pleasure was worth it. I screamed Bob's name again and urged him on, I only half wished Bob was Gerard, well ok more than half wished but I was brought back to my senses by another hard thrust as Bob exploded inside of me and I exploded on the floor. He rolled off me and lay on the floor next to me in our mess and turned to look at me. His blue eyes pierced into me and somehow they shocked me, I was expecting to see Gee's hazel eyes.
Bob is everything I could possibly ask for in a boyfriend and he had obviously been through a lot as well, but the thing is I was still in love with Gee, and I didn’t know if that feeling would ever go away...maybe it would have been better if I hadn't been saved, then at least Gee and I would be together. I like Bob...but do I love him? Can you love two people at once, and then if I do love him and Gee is dead then whats the problem? There are obviously some things I need to get used to around here.

Bob's POV
That was amazing I thought as I lay on my stomach, head turned to look at Frank. He was looking at me and for a brief second I saw something like shock flash over his eyes when I looked at him but it was gone in a minute, I tried to ignore it and keep my mouth shut and pretend I didn’t see anything but in the end I couldn’t, it had been there, i had to ask him.
"Did you, well, you, you lov- loved him...didn't you" the words were poison on my tongue, I knew the answer but dreaded it. Why couldn’t I keep my damn mouth shut!?
Tears began to well up in his eyes and my heart sank at the sight of him. He was so beautiful, but he didn't love me, but maybe he would over time. He needed to get over Gerard first.
"Yeah...so...so much" he chocked and I felt awful for bringing it up. I edged closer to him and pulled him into a hug and kissed the back of his head. We soon fell asleep, naked on Mattie’s bathroom floor with my possible boyfriend crying over another guy, this was weird.

Gerard's POV
I arrived at Methody at about 2 so lessons were still on then again I was relieved I would have time to put my stuff in my room before I had to face everyone at dinner. I was in B block, god this place sounded like a prison, and I walked past the playfields to get there. The walk wasn’t too long and I arrived at my new home within 5 minutes. I say home, it didn’t feel like home, as I walked up the stairs I wondered if anything would ever feel like home again. These thoughts led to thoughts of Frank, and at this my eyes welled up with tears and I had to stop on the stairs one floor shy of my room and I crumpled to the floor and cried for a good ten minutes before pulling myself together and climbing the rest of the stairs to my room.
I was sharing with someone called Mike Craw, his name reminded me too much of Mikey but when I felt like I was about to cry I couldn’t, I was tear free. This surprised me,
maybe I was getting over this sooner than I expected. I shoved my stuff into the drawers and picked up my cell phone to see if Frank had replied. No still no reply. Any normal person would just realise that it was a lost cause, but not me, I had once made him a promise I would come for him, and I intended to keep said promise, but how?

Mikey's POV
I took Alicia to the movies for our first date and then we went to Wagamama's that was conveniently placed right next to the cinema on the upper level of the N1 centre. We went to see some really random film that reminded me too much of 'My best friends wedding' which my mom had forced us to watch on Saturday, but then again I hadn’t really gone for the movie. About 20 minutes in I decided to make my move, I yawned and slowly stretched up and then put my arm on the top of her seat. A smile played across her face, this was the cheesiest and most clichéd move in the book, but hell it worked. I slowly brought my arm down to rest on her shoulder and then a few seconds later hugged her a bit tighter. Reacting to my great 'move' she rested her head on my shoulder and I relaxed. It had worked. Her hair smelt amazing, i couldn't put my finger on the smell but it wasn’t overpowering, the scent wafted upwards and i breathed it in gladly. This was going so well.
After the movie we went to dinner and we wound up the waiters in there by shooting spit balls at them when they weren’t looking, they knew it was us but they couldn't prove it because when they turned around we pretended to be deep in conversation, staring deep into each others eyes. It turns out her Dad is fine now and stable in hospital but they are keeping him in for a while to check his progress. We discussed everything from bands to why she moved here from America. Turns out her dad is some major position in the army so when he was repositioned here permanently 2 years ago they had to move. After the movie I walked her home. She lived in Richmond Avenue, 2 minutes away so I walked her back through the park, where we made a pit stop in the children’s playground to sit on the swings and talk. After about 10 minutes we wanted to get up and stretch our legs and when she stood up so did it and we walked towards the park gate. She and I both reached for the gate at the same time and my hand landed on top of hers. Startled I turned up to look at her and she was looking back at me through her perfect brown eyes.
I moved my head closer to hers and pressed my lips against hers, they were soft and warm on mine and slowly my tongue entered her mouth and rubbed up against hers. We stood there for god knows how long, our tongues dancing together and even though it was extremely dark and dangerous people were beginning to fill the park we didn't move for ages and when we did it was to her road. We stood on her doorstep making out for about 5 minutes before the lights turned on upstairs and she had to go inside.
I slowly made my way home and when I got there I walked up to my new room (Gerard's old one) and flopped on my bed fully clothed and fell asleep.