I was in love with a boy

Who's Frank?

Jake's POV

It was 3am when my text alert went off. I rolled over groaning and checked the screen; it was my cousin. "Damn you Leo" i muttered. I counted forward the hours in my head, it must have been about 8am there. I opened the message and found a one word answer, it cut into me like a knife to my heart.


"No." i whispered. There was no way, come to think of it he always seemed like he was hiding something and during our first conversation together when we had asked him about his girlfriend he suddenly got nervous and jumpy...wow. i wonder why he is going out with Imogen? Does he actually like her? My head was still swimming with thoughts when i finally fell asleep again, when i woke up at 8 i knew what i was going to do. I got dressed and walked to his room, which took about 2 seconds and knocked.

Gerard's POV

"Frank" it was a voice i didn't recognise .

"Yea!" oh my god it was Frank!

"Frank" i called but nothing came out of my open mouth. I was desperate to see him again. The building i was in was on fire and he was obviously somewhere here, but the smoke was blinding me and i couldn't see. A blond boy i didn't recognised ran through a nearby door where i then saw Frank, lying on the ground, choking. No! Frankie! My mind was reeling, i had to help him, i was about to run for him when i felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Imogen. What was she doing here?

"We need to get out" her voice was panicky.

"I can't Frank's in there!"

"Who" confusion washed over her face.

"Frank! He's over there! Just there!"

"No one is there gerard...honey your scaring me."

What...wasn't there, i turned to look at frank but where he had been was now consumed in flames. "No" i breathed. But i wasn't allowed time to look for him because Imogen was dragging me by the arm out of the building."

"Frank" i whimpered.

I woke with a jolt, sweat running down my forehead. "Frank" i said.

"What?" Jack called across to me. "Who?" he eyed me suspiciously.

"Oh...sorry, nothing."

"Bu-" i didn't give him time to question me further i threw on some clothes and ran out of my dorm, as i ran down the hall i checked my watch, 7:55.

I needed to think about this, that wasn't the first time i had dreamed of Frank, what was i saying i never dreamt about anything else, but this was different. Imogen reminded me of my father...not in a physical sense but in the way she pulled me away from Frank when i so badly needed to be with him. I ran past the playing fields and collapsed under a tree round the back of the school. I had come here a lot. I found i could make difficult decisions easily here and nobody knew about this spot. Well, except for Jake. Turns out he comes here too and one day we ran into each other, but we understand the other needs personal space here.

I went over my dream in my head, i have no idea who that kid was but maybe he was un important. But Imogen, she dragged me away. Frank was there and he needed me and for the second time i allowed myself to be dragged away. maybe the closer i get to imogen the further i am from Frank? It fits. It makes sense. So what? Break up with her? I do like her, but i love Frank, irrevocably and unconditionally. I guess being unfaithful to Frank isn't doing good for my mental health. So i guess it is the best option after all...but she's cool maybe we can still be friends?

Jake's POV

I knocked on the door and it was opened by Jack.

"Mornin" he yawned sleepily.

"Hey" i said peeping around his shoulder, "is Gerard here?"

"Nah, listen is something up with him?"

"I don't think so...why?"

"Well he was tossing quite a lot then suddenly sat up and belted out 'FRANK'" Jack added jazz hands to this exclamation but i didn't find it funny.

"Who's that?"

"I honestly don't know. I should probably go and find him."

"No! It's okay i need to talk to him anyway and i think i know where he is."

"ok. Good luck."

I ran to my tree, that's where he would go if something was up. I turned the corner and sure enough he was sitting with his back to me, mumbling, it was barely audible but i moved closer to him, straining my ears i could work out what he was saying.

"Dragged me away...Needed me...Closer to Imogen...am from frank...fits...makes sense...best option?! i could only catch fragments of what he was saying and as i drew closer to him i rested my hand on his shoulder. He jerked around and looked up at me.


"Hey man...can we talk?"

"Um sure."

I braced myself for his reaction to my next question.

"Gerard...who's Frank?"
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