I was in love with a boy

Life stories

Jake's POV

"Who's Frank?"

For a while he just sat there, staring at me, a petrified look on his face.
"I have no idea."

"Gerard...whoever he is...it doesn't matter to me."

"That's what everyone i ever told said..." he started sobbing "but when they knew the truth they didn't love me anymore...except for Mikey...and now i'm here away from the only person who's ever accepted me!" he began to howl now and i went and put an arm around him.

"Gerard, I know you're scared, trust me I know how you feel."

"I bet you haven't been disowned and shoved far away."

"Actually...I have." he peeked up at me, his face showing some interest. "When i was 3 my dad died, so it was just my mom and i. When i was ten...i started noticing stuff... i don't know. but one day, i got quite a serious crush. I sent him love notes and all, he thought they were from a girl called Cindy in the class. She was really popular and it really hurt me to hear him brag to all the guys about how much she loved him. One day i just couldn't take it anymore..." he was sitting up now, looking at me in a strange way, like he wasn't quite getting something, like a was telling a punch-line and it wasn't funny. "Anyway...i decided i would tell him. I waited outside Dave's house after school one day and told him they were from me. He completely freaked out, he ran away screaming, calling me a fag and to stay away from him. At school he told everyone imaginable and i was bullied so badly. When my mom got called in because of the bullying and she found out what i did she came home and screamed that i was going to hell and that i had better change quick...but i couldn't so she decided to send me here...far far away." i looked at him, sympathy filling his eyes.

"jake...how did you know i was...you know..."

"My cousin knew you back in Newark."


"Gerard, is Frank your boyfriend?"

"Well...he was." at the confused look on his face, i decided to tell him my life story, god he had told me mine.

Frank's POV

It had been a while since the fire and Bob and I had resorted to desperate measures to get enough money for food. I had been mugging kids for a bit over 2 weeks now and it was a fast way of making cash i had to say, but the cash didn't get us much food. I ran up to a kid in a navy blue raincoat, lifted him by the collar and said;

"Empty your pockets, now!" the kid started to tear up and slowly emptied his pockets; one pound and 3 pokemon cards.
"Damn." i muttered to myself. I took the pound and ran off. Why did no one have money on them nowadays?!
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