I was in love with a boy

Should i tell him?

Gerard’s POV
Frank was so tense all the way through bio and I couldn’t understand why. I’m sure half the school had already heard about our little incident in the hall because of all the looks that were shot our way. Jesus did people have nothing better to do than give me evils? Oh well after the first few schools you get used to it.
Our teacher told us we would be working on our assignments in pairs and he paired me up with Frank. I was secretly very pleased with this because that meant we would have to spend some time together out of school. I had to keep reminding myself that he was straight. But god I couldn’t help hoping that maybe he wasn’t.
The rest of the day went by as normal with only one kid trying to beat me up in the halls on my way to maths class the last one of the day. They to were chased of by Frank, this helped him earn my jokey nickname ‘My little protector’ (also due to his height which only made him sexier to me), however it also earnt him another name within the school ‘Fag’. After about the tenth time he had been called this he didn’t even bother to react. In the end I just had to ask him.
“Frank does it bother you…I mean hanging out with me?”
“What?! Gee No!” at this new nickname he had just given to me I blushed. He went kinda red too; this was another moment when I had to remind myself he was straight. Or was he? I still allowed myself to hope.
Frank’s POV
Good lord! I couldn’t believe myself but by the end of the day despite all the nicknames and beatings I still found myself growing closer and closer to Gee. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to talk to him. I mean yeah we had the same music taste and fashion taste but there was something about his personality that I loved. I already decided about this, I knew there was no escaping the conclusion and the shit I would get for it. I was Gay. Nuff said. The only question was whether I should tell Gee.