I was in love with a boy

Comming for you

Mikey's POV

"Frank! It's me Mikey! Why haven't you replied out calls! Gerard's been going mental!"

"Gerard? What...wait...he's alive?" i hesitated.

"Yeah, frank we sent you like hundreds of texts and we called you non-stop!"

"My phone was switched off, then it had no charge, then i left it on charge and when i got back to the house it was on fire...phone included."

"Oh" he seemed to believe me. I was so happy, i was going to see Gerard.

Frank's POV

"Where is he, can we go see him now? Oh my god i can't wait to see him!" i turned back to see Mikey, he was shifting uncomfortably on his feet.

"Frank...Gerard is in Northern Ireland..."


"Our parents decided he couldn't live with us anymore, and my dad had connections at a school called Methody and so he went there."

I slumped into a sitting position on the wall. I couldn't believe it. Gerard was alive, but he wasn't anywhere near me. Wait! What the fuck id wrong with you Frank! Seriously, Ireland is like one hour away by plane and you've flown farther for this kid. I knew what i had to do.

"Mikey. Tell me how to get there. I'm gonna find him." mikey nodded.

"Okay, but I'm coming with you. I am not losing you, Gerard would kill me, and plus i hate my parents." I smiled.

"Okay, but Bob's coming too."

"Who?" he eyed me suspiciously.

"Oh shit" i mumbled "Bob!"

"Frank...who's Bob?" i looked up at him warily.

"...My boyfriend..."

Mikey took in this information.

"Frank...what are you going to do?"

My answer was simple. I liked Bob, but i loved Gerard. I always knew deep down that if i had to choose Gerard would win hands down every time.

"I love Gerard. I have to dump Bob."

He smiled at me sympathetically, he understood. I would never have gone with Bob if i knew that Gee was alive.

I told Mikey i had to go and speak to Bob and collect my things. He said he would need to pack and leave a note for his parents before hey got home. We agreed to meet at Kings Cross Station at 7pm. In exactly 2 hours.

I wandered back to the abandoned building me and Bob had been staying in. My stuff was all in my small duffle bag already packed when Bob walked in. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me, bag in hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Bob, we need to talk." I indicated towards the sofa me and Bob had been sleeping on the past few weeks. This wasn't going to be easy.

"Bob, i have great news" he sat up a little straighter "You remember i told you i may go and speak to Mikey, well today i ran into him, and Gee, i mean Gerard is actually alive."

Bob stared at me like he had never met me. "So your leaving me." he was trying to choke back the tears but it was too much to hold back.

"Please don't Frankie" i winced at the memory of Gee calling me this "I love you...you can't leave me...no"

"Bob...you know i don't have a choice, Gerard is like my other half. I can't live without him."

"You were just fine when you thought he was dead."the accusation was running high in his voice and he literally spat the words at me, they stung, but he just didn't understand.

"No...I wasn't. I thought in time i could forget...now i know i never can." i sighed "Bob, under any other circumstances i probably would have loved you, the way that you deserve...but...I love him Bob."

"Where is he?"

"Northern Ireland." he raised his eyebrows.

"You really do love him...don't you."

"Yeah." was my simple reply. I couldn't take this.

"Then honey, I'm coming with you." this shocked me beyond belief, Bob was willing to come with me?!

"If it's important to you, then it's important to me, but i can't let you go on your own, especially if there is a chance you may never find him. I'll always be there for you."

"Bob. Mikey his brother is showing me the school he's in...he's coming with me."

"Then it'll be a group trip, besides i wanna see what this Gerard looks like."

I didn't want to hurt his feelings more than i already had, so i agreed and by the time we had packed Bob's stuff it was time to go and meet Mikey.

--time lapse--

We had just gotten of the train that took us to Heathrow, memories of a terrifying night came flooding back, but i reminded myself that Gerard was alright and i would be with him very soon. We got on the next flight to Belfast, which got us there by 9:30. Every second on the plane was agony, I was so close to him, I felt like screaming in frustration that the plane wasn't going fast enough. My agony didn't go unnoticed either, Bob placed his hand on my thigh and gripped it so as to keep me in my seat and bring me back to reality. Mikey's face mirrored his disapproval but he didn't say anything about it.

When we landed i sprinted of the plane and through passport control, we had carried our bags as hand luggage so we wouldn't need to wait at the other end for them to come through. We headed for the taxi stand and within seconds we were in a taxi heading for methody, it would be an hours drive. It was a school day at methody and lights out by 11. I guess i would find his dorm in the dark and surprise him. God he was in for a shock!

Traffic slowed us down and it actually took one hour and a half to arrive. It was 11:15 so i supposed everyone would be asleep. Mikey moved purposefully looking at the building numbers trying to work out where Gerard was. We searched for about 1/4 of an hour before Mikey said. "Guys I found it".

He turned to me,

"Frank, gerard is on the 5th floor or this block. Room 13. Bob and I will wait down here whilst you go in. The buildings don't get locked until 11:45. So whatever happens, good luck. We will go and find somewhere to stay around here. Do you have a new cell phone?"

"yeah nicked if off some kid. Bob has the number." with that i ran up to the 5th floor and opened door 13.
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