I was in love with a boy

Don't mess with my man

Gerard's POV

Mr. Cumming just stood, rooted to the spot, his face flushed an embarrassed a violent shade of pink. He shifted uneasily from one foot to the other. I groped around in mid air to find Frank, i grabbed his hand and pulled him closer, before putting my right arm around his waist gently rubbing my thumb against his still exposed chest, i felt him shiver at my touch and i grinned. Mr. Cumming was getting even more embarrassed by the second and he looked ready for a seizure, but finally he spoke up anger creeping into his voice at our ignorant expressions;

"Boys...I...I am fully aware that young men...such as yourselves...want...to...need...ugh. Gerard, I don't recognise your friend as a student here-"

"Boyfriend" i corrected him. He wasn't brushing my Frankie off, I wouldn't allow it. Frankie turned his head to see me and he silently whispered;

"I love you" and although Mr. Cumming couldn't here, he read the words on Frank's lips. What happened next was a blur. Mr. Cumming ran over to Frankie, gabbing his hair and snarling something about him not being a student here, yeah, that's why he's angry. Damn Homophobe. He ripped Frankie out of my arms and started pulling him out of the room and down the stairs. Franks cries of pain were echoed around the block and boys were filling the corridors to see what was happening running up and down stairs and wearing shocked expressions.

I was rooted to the spot, flashbacks of my Dad grabbing Frankie and dragging him away from me flooding back. Hell no! No one would do that again!

Anger filled my insides bubbling up as I let a snarl erupt from my mouth. I screamed something incomprehendable that not even i understood, that's just the anger kicking in i thought and i ran with it. I tore out of my room and grabbing Mr. Cumming's shoulder, he spun around just as my fist collided with his nose, the shock causing him to let go of Frankie as he fell backwards against the wall. Some boys gasped whilst some others cheered and some people even began cheering my name. But the background noise of 'GERARDGERARDGERARD' was unnoticed by me as i pulled Frank into a hug and he pulled me close to his chest and kissed my neck whispering his thanks. This moment didn't last long because Mr. Cumming pulled me away from Frank but instead of hitting me he punched Frank dead in the face and a sickening 'CRACK' echoed through the air. Frank fell back and was quickly picked up by Mike signalling that he would take care of Frank. I couldn't control what i did next, anger took over my insides and seeing someone hurt Frank completely destroyed all self control i may have otherwise had. My knee flew upwards hitting Mr. Cumming in his 'area' and as he stumbled i took him by the shoulders and thrust forward. His body stumbled backwards and wobbled on the edge of the stairs. All cheering had stopped and it was completely silent except for Mr. Cumming's painful cries and a few gasps as everyone watched the consequences of my actions.

It was at that point the sound of 'Die Die my darling' blared from Franks pocket.

Mikey's POV

I called Frank but it rang for the 15th time when it cut off to a voicemail of some random person, probably the boy he nicked it off.

"No answer" i said to the waiting Bob who was hovering behind the bathroom door. "He and Gerard must be...enjoying each others company." i chuckled, Bob nodded then closed the door. If only i could have seen the look on Bob's face when he closed the door to the bathroom. It may have given me some clue as to what he was planning.

Bob's POV

Enjoy the fucking company...whilst you can. I laughed evilly. i felt around in my backpack and found the leather wrapped item and placed it back carefully.

"Not long now Frankie...I love you".
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