I was in love with a boy

Time to check out

Gerard's POV

We were going back home. Back to new Jersey, and Frank and I can start over again, we can have the life we should have been allowed months ago. I was waiting for him to come back into the bedroom, he was taking his sweet time in the bathroom.

"Frank" I called out to him.

"Coming babe" he called back.

I lay down on the bed, only in my boxers in time to see him walk out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist his hair damp from the shower. It had grown since the last time i had seen it, but it was still the lovely dark shade of brown that matched his eyes.

"Sexy" he commented on seeing me.

"Hell, you wouldn't call me sexy if you could see yourself" I answered.

"Well, if I thought of myself the same way i think of you...it would be rather perverted, don't cha think?"

"Well, yea I guess your right" kissing him softly on the lips before ripping off his towel and pulling him down onto me.

"I believe i owe you my dear" I chuckled.

"I believe you do" was his answer, I rolled over so I was lying on top of him and began tracing my tongue down his chest slowly, he issued a small moan but apart from that was quiet, we couldn't have that now could we? I suddenly took his member into my mouth, shocking him as I was only half way down his chest. I let my tongue run along his underside and he groaned loudly;

"Gee, please?!" I was getting to him, and I loved hearing him moan my name like that, I dragged my teeth down his member lightly and his hips rose slightly and he continued to moan my name getting louder. I pulled away slightly;

"Now now, not so loud, we wouldn't want to disturb other guest's sleeping now would we?"

"Gerard, I swear do it now or I will scream." he pouted angrily, now how could i deny that face?

I took him in my mouth fully and when I hit his base I began to pump hard, his cum filling my mouth which I swallowed happily. I kept going until his breath began to get heavily laboured and I knew he wasn't far off, sure enough soon he screamed in

pleasure and filled my mouth. I swallowed and then collapsed down by him, he pulled me closer to him cradling me in his arms.

"Don't get comfortable yet sugar, I'm not done with you." a smirk played across his face and he rolled me onto my front before stradling my hips from the back.

"Ya ready?" he asked.

"Oh God just do it frank!" he did. I gasped as he entered me, my walls tightening at his entrance, whilst he hit my spot. I screamed his name into my pillow as he continuously hit my spot, I wasn't far off and as soon as I thought that i felt him explode inside of me pushing me over the edge as I blew all over the sheets. Sweaty and exhausted he collapsed next to me and it was my turn to pull him closer. His eyes opened at my touch;

"Was I okay?"

"Perfect" I whispered back, and he was. It was probably the best moment of my life, having him in me, it just felt so right, like home.

Frank's POV

I had sex with Gerard Way...I really did...I smiled at the thought. Being with him was just so amazing, wherever he was felt like home, he was all I needed in my life. We had fallen asleep in each others arms and when I awoke in the morning to find him cradling me it just made my day, nothing could go wrong now, I had Gerard, he was mine...finally.

I went downstairs to check us out of the hotel, we were heading back to Jersey today, I didn't know what time we were just going to get to the airport and get the next flight we could. I signed us out with no problem and went to Mikey's room to make sure he had done the same.

"Yeah, Bob went about 10 minutes ago, you must have missed him, I think he was going to your room after to check on you guys."

"Okay cool, meet you downstairs in 15 then." with that I walked out of Mikey's room and down the corridor to where Gerard and I were staying. That sounded good to me, Gerard and I, me and Gerard. I smiled walking into my room...where were they? That's when i noticed the bathroom door. I walked over to it peeking into the bathroom. My heart stopped in my throat.


Bob swivelled around to face me, anger strewn across every inch of his face. Holding Gerard against the wall with one hand, a gun in the other.
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