I was in love with a boy

Jokes and bloodstained fingers

Frank's POV

"Bob! What the hell!" I screamed at him. He wasn't serious, this was a joke right? A sick cruel joke. This thought exited my mind the second Bob turned around, his face tear stained, his eyes burning with the fury that emanated from them. His posture made the whole tense, if the fact that he was pointing a gun at my lovers head wasn't enough. "Bob...put the gun down...what's wrong? We can talk about this. His face tensed as he let out a small hiss.

"We already have...and you drew a conclusion...but sorry babe...I can't live with it." he let out a small sigh "So I'm drawing a different conclusion. You do love me, you told me."

My mind flicked back to our last proper conversation.


'"What are you doing?"
"Bob, we need to talk." I indicated towards the sofa me and Bob had been sleeping on the past few weeks. This wasn't going to be easy.

"Bob, i have great news" he sat up a little straighter "You remember i told you i may go and speak to Mikey, well today i ran into him, and Gee, i mean Gerard is actually alive."

Bob stared at me like he had never met me. "So your leaving me." he was trying to choke back the tears but it was too much to hold back.

"Please don't Frankie" i winced at the memory of Gee calling me this "I love you...you can't leave me...no"

"Bob...you know i don't have a choice, Gerard is like my other half. I can't live without him."

"You were just fine when you thought he was dead."the accusation was running high in his voice and he literally spat the words at me, they stung, but he just didn't understand.

"No...I wasn't. I thought in time i could forget...now i know i never can." i sighed "Bob, under any other circumstances i probably would have loved you, the way that you deserve...but...I love him Bob."

"Where is he?"

"Northern Ireland." he raised his eyebrows.

"You really do love him...don't you."

"Yeah." was my simple reply. I couldn't take this.

"Then honey, I'm coming with you." this shocked me beyond belief, Bob was willing to come with me?!

"If it's important to you, then it's important to me, but i can't let you go on your own, especially if there is a chance you may never find him. I'll always be there for you."

"Bob. Mikey his brother is showing me the school he's in...he's coming with me."

"Then it'll be a group trip, besides i wanna see what this Gerard looks like."'

--end flashback--

I don't see how he got 'I love you' from that conversation but I don't think now is the best time to tell him that.

"Bob, I do love you, but I am not in love with you. I value you like a brother, but please don't kill Gee."

Bob gave me a hostile look "Baby, you were fine without him, if you hadn't run into Mikey, we would have been happy together. You know it's the truth babe. Frankie, come back to me" he held out his hand, I turned away from him and looked Gerard straight in the face. These words were as much for him "No Bob. Gerard is my other half. I wasn't fine without him, I tried to move on...but" I choked on my words "I couldn't. It was like part of my soul had disappeared. Without him I would disappear completely and would feel alone for the rest of my life. No matter who I spent it with. Bob, if you kill Gee today, not only will I never speak to you again, you will have blood on your hands." furry bubbled on his face and as his rage grew I waited for his response.

"LIAR!! YOU LOVE ME! YOUR BLIND TO HOW GOOD WE ARE TOGETHER! I'LL NEVER LET YOU LEAVE! YOU ARE MINE FRANK ANTHONY THOMAS IERO JR.! AND IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU..." he shook his head wildly, he had well and truly lost it "no one can" he whispered much softer, it only made his words more frightening. When he stopped to take a breath I heard the safety lock click and Gerard whimpered;

"Goodbye Frankie...I love y-" rage swept over me, with that click the world went black then two shots were fired.

Mikey's POV

Bob was taking so long! I had dragged my case's to the elevator and his too. The lazy git. Well his was more of a backpack...but still! I walked towards Gerard's room, I assumed that was where he would be, but I stopped outside the door. Someone, more than one person was crying, screaming...then two shots.

My heart froze and my legs wouldn't move from shock for several seconds. A cry of pain was audible from inside and terror was pushed to one side as I burst into their room and as I opened the bathroom door, the metallic smell mixed with smoke hit me full on. A gun lay on the tiled floor, bloodstained.

"What the fuck! HELP!"
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*begs* pls comment!!!!!!