I was in love with a boy

All they need

Frank's POV

The first shot was fired.

I couldn't scream. I couldn't move. All I could see was him.

The blood trickling down his torso, the source, slightly right of his heart.

The second shot.

I had wrestled the gun off of the original offender. He now lay on the tiled floor, the bullet lay in his heart. His painful cries ignored as I collapsed near the other screaming.

Someone entered the room, Mikey, I don't know how much longer it was until there were more people in the small bathroom. A man, he took Gerard and put him on a stretcher, I sat with him in the ambulance.

If he died. I would too.

Someone told me I was in shock. I knew that much. My breathing uneven and delayed. Someone saying 'breathe' whenever I forgot. My life wasn't important at that point.

But I hoped Bob was dead.

--Time lapse--

I was by his bed. The operation was over three hours ago and they said the odd's were 50-50 survival. He was lucky, the bullet had missed his heart but he had lot a lot of blood. He had to survive for me. Or there's really no point to this life.

I had been at the hospital for god knows how long when I was first greeted by Mrs. Dean she wore a black suit and carried a black briefcase.

"May I have a word" she was very business like and to the point.

"Um...yeah...I guess" I couldn't figure out what she would want.

"You are Frank Anthony Thomas Iero Jr.?" I nodded in response.

"Well I am here to inform you that Robert Nathaniel Bryar has recently passed away. I am also here to inform you that you are the suspected murderer." wait, murder?

"What! He shot Gerard!" I indicated towards the boy barely alive hooked up to monitors that were beeping regularly "he had a frigging gun! What was I supposed to think!?" I was so mad at her. She had no idea what the hell she was talking about and the look of disgust she gave me was almost too much.

"Excuse me. You are in deep enough water young man and did you realise that at the age of 17 you are now responsible for your actions and can be taken to court and/or

prison for a minimum of 5 years." wait! Prison! Your fucking kidding me!!

"It was my life or his! I screamed!" her eyebrows furrowed deeply.

"Gerard's younger brother Mikey made a statement earlier today. I will read it to you and if you still need further explaining let me know."

'Bob, was travelling with us to Gerard. I don't know the exact details but the only reason I could think off, as to why he would attempt to kill Gerard is Frank. Bob is definitely gay just like gerard and frank and I am pretty certain now, with all the evidence and all that he meant to kill gerard all along. He talked in his sleep quite a lot and Frank's name was mentioned an awful lot, some of the scenarios I could make out were...slightly disturbing but I have no idea if they all happened or were just fantasy. I wouldn't really like to think about that anymore. I don't think Bob had plans to kill anyone but Gerard because one thing he said was "Soon Frankie...soon very soon...it will all be over...we can-" but he never finished. So maybe he thought that with Gerard out of the way he and Frank could...you know...do I have to say it? Okay...that he and frank could be together."

I didn't need further explanation. Mikey had without knowing it, given them all they needed to lock me up. I was never in danger from Bob, only Gee was. I knew what I was doing when I pulled that trigger, I could have left him, hit him maybe, gotten rid of the gun...I didn't. In that moment I realised that even if Gerard woke up, we wouldn't be able to be together, I didn't know how long the sentence was for killing...but at least five years. Five years of gerard only being able to visit like once a week. Five years of a single bed. Five years surrounded by murderers and druggies and maniacs. My eyes began to water and as she got up and left I let out a small whimper and the floodgates opened.

Mikey's POV

I had given my statement and was now free to visit Gerard. I had been told Bob was dead, killed by Frank. I smiled slightly at this point. I can't explain why. It was just...Frank would risk everything for Gerard, I knew that their relationship would last...how could it not?

I walked into Gerard's room but what struck me wasn't Gerard, he looked like a second graders science project gone wrong, but Frank was on the floor howling. The silent beeps of Gerard's monitors assured me that nothing was wrong in that department, so something else must be seriously up.

"Frank! What's wrong?" I ran up to him and put an arm around him. He looked up at me. He looked terrible, his eyes full of despair, red and swollen and he managed to choke;

"I'm gonna go to prison..."

"WHAT!" I screamed at him.

"I murdered him...Mikey...I killed him...and purposefully."

"But he was manic! He had a gun! He could have turned on you as well!" I needed to say this so that he would feel minimal guilt.

"Yes...but...Mikey" he looked up at me "your evidence...it proves he just wanted to hurt...kill...Gerard. He wanted Gee out of the way so he could have me...it proves...I was safe...and..." he was crying so much, I wiped away his tears and waited for him to continue. What had I done? "It proves that...I killed him with no reason apart from anger."

I had done this. This was my fault. I could have lied. I told them all they needed to put Frank behind bars. I had ruined everythin-.

The machine Gerard was hooked up to suddenly let out a long screeching sound.
