I was in love with a boy

In a cruel world

Frank's POV

"No!" every time Gerard misses a bet or the machine speeds up the muscles in my throat tighten and my breathing is limited, but this...this had never happened before. The machine had never...what I can only presume is it stopped.

"Mike-" but before I could even finish calling for him the beeping returned to normal. We exchanged worried glances and a nurse came rushing into the room to check Gerard's monitor.

"Is he going to be okay?" Mikey called to the nurse as she finished up.

"His heart is unstable, he lost a lot of blood. I honestly don't know, his survival chances are pretty much the same as-"

"What do you mean by pretty much?!" I half screamed half choked. The nurse eyed me warily before continuing.

"What I mean is that, it's gone down. He is now 60-40 to die. I am sorry." she turned to walk away.

"No. Don't be" I called after her "because he's going to live. You'll see." she left the room and I turned to Mikey. "Everything is going to be fine." I finished. This was more for my benefit than his.

--1 week later--

"Guilty!" the words rang in my ears, refusing to leave, I just sat there with my mouth open before a body guard lifted my up of the chair and cuffed my hands to take me away.

"No!" I turned my face to the side as I was forcefully removed from the courtroom. Gerard was the source of the scream. I turned to the guard;

"Please, can I just say goodbye?" the agony must have showed up on my face, because he hesitated, looked around and seeing everyone else had exited apart from us, my lawyer and Gerard said to me;

"1 minute" he let go of me and I ran straight into Gerard's arms.

"Gee, I'm so sorry. So so sorry. You just woke up and now I am going to be locked up for the next five years." he stroked my hair which calmed me down whilst hushing in my ear.

"Well you know after the attempt at getting out of the country failed, we were kindov screwed." he chuckled, obviously remembering our desperate attempt to flee;

'Oi! You three stop!' we were just past the hospital fountains.
'Gerard' I called to him, he was two feet ahead of me, pretty quick considering he had just woken up.
'You've got a lot of spring considering!'
'I guess, I'm just the way the doctor made me'.
We ran for about 2 miles before they got us. Hit a dead end wall, laughing so hard it stung. Hey
in a situation like that, all you can do is laugh.

We weren't laughing now. There was a different kind of stinging in my chest.

"Yeah. That was dumb." I admitted it was a dumb thing to do. If we hadn't done that would the verdict have been different? No, running was a last resort that had failed. We were almost doomed.

"When your years in prison are over, we can be together, like we should have been from the start. I swear I will visit every hour they will let me in for."

The guard came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. "Sorry, we have to go, this isn't allowed, if anyone found out."

"Okay" I turned back to Gee. "I love you".

"I love you too." then my lips were on his, pressured. This was the last time I would see him before all the orange uniforms and guards controlling our time together. Hey actually that was what was happening now, minus the uniform...all in good time.

To early we had to end, and as I was dragged away from Gerard, this scene was all too familiar, being yanked apart with only time to say 'I love you'.

--1 week later--

Gerard's POV

Visiting hours were over, I was forcibly removed from Frank's embrace and hauled out onto the streets. Well not that forcefully but they definitely said 'Fag' at one point. I was beyond the ability to care anymore.

He hadn't had a good start. He was beaten in his cell because of me and he was shorter than everyone else so for those that didn't care about his sexual orientation, the height card was always a good one to play. God, when I first saw him I almost screamed at someone for letting this happen to him. They wouldn't have cared though, he's a low life murder after all. He had a black eye and scratch marks down the side of his face, too deep to be fingernails, what was worse it the night someone had shaved off all of Franks hair except for a little tuft at the back. His orange uniform covered the rest of his body, but he winced uncomfortably when I placed my hands on his arms, though he refused to show me his injuries.

It was only week one and I was finding it difficult. Mikey had to return home to Mom and Dad but I had been allowed back into Methody after being suspended for a week...Is that all I get? Well apart from the detentions and the glares from the teachers. I am actually even more popular for it. The fact that I was gay wasn't an issue once people had seen me stick up for Frank like that. I chuckled to myself as I remembered pushing Mr. Cumming down the stairs...what a name! Ha. Well he was still recovering from our little incident, he had a bone broken somewhere, I didn't really want to know, I didn't care. Also had a lot of bruises and was in shock.

It shocked him a lot more to find out his place in the staff was being reviewed after his Homophobic assault on someone who wasn't even a student here. In two weeks he could be packing his bags...hopefully.

I was walking down the corridor on my way to the prison when I ran into Imogen. Shit.

"Gerard can we talk?" I held back a sigh and turned to face her.


"Um...well...ok. I heard you are gay. And just so you know I am cool with this and hope we can still be friends, I also heard about what happened to Frank and I hope everything works out for you guys." wow. Um...totally wasn't expecting that!

"Um...thanks Imogen. I mean...I'm sorry it didn't work out, it's just" she cut me off.

"It's fine. Now I'm guessing your heading over to see him now and I gotta go. Cya!" and with that she just walked away...girls are weirdly unpredictable. That's why I like guys, they will beat you to a pulp and you can remain best friends, if you did that to a girl you'd be called a jerk. It's a cruel world.

And I was about to find out just how cruel it could be.
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Review!! Or I will not update! Just to let some of you know that the next chapter may very well be the last, but idk for sure also I might write like another extension chapter or another story of this but it all depends. So review!! Lol.

and i am serious this time!!! lol :):) i will love u forever!