I was in love with a boy

Its amazing

franks POV
So it turned out for Bio that we had to make some random model of DNA or something along those lines. In the end we went over to Gee's house to plan/make the piece of shit, and he lived only a few minutes away from me which i was quite happy about...okay i was fucking exstatic but i didnt let on. When we got to his house i was greeted by Mrs. Way who seemed like quite a nice woman, she was a typical American mother in my opinion, she fussed over Gerard from the moment he walked in the door and brought us up a humongous plate of chocolate chip cookies that she had made when we were half way through planning.
We were gonna use some really weird ball things which Gerard had from a model making kit, to be perfectly honest i didnt care what we were doing as long as i was with Gee. It was totally cool just hanging even if we did have to work, in the end we abandoned the half complete project deciding i would come over tomorrow after school and finish it with him (SCORE!). Instead i had a good look at his comic book collection, particularly engrossed in the Batman ones whilst he looked through other comics, doodled and put on the Misfits. I didnt know anyone else who liked those guys apart from me.
We were so oblivious to the time that when Gee's mom called us down for dinner we were so shocked to find out it was 8pm already. My curfew was ten so it didnt really matter and it would only take five minutes to get home but it meant only two more hours with Gee. We ate lasagne for dinner and happily chatted to Mikey (Gee's younger brother) and his mother. It turned out Mikey was only 14 so 2 years younger than me and Gee but he was a really cool kid and it was surprisingly easy to make conversation with the kid. He played the bass and listened to cool music and he and Gee got on really well for brothers. It turned out that Mikey knew about Gee's secret and when gee's mom was gone woud make subtle jokes about it which earnt him a playful hit.
I decided at ten past ten i should go home or my parents would flip. I went up to Gee's room to get my stuff and as i turned around to walk out of the room something caught my eye. I waled over to Gee's bed and picked up he piece of paper which he had been doodling on earlier. It was of my face from my brown eyes to my lipring he had got it pretty accurate and i couldnt help but break out into a spastic grin when i saw it. Of course this didnt mean he felt the same way about me as i did him, once again i was reminded of this by the little pessimist in my head, but hey this couldnt be a bad sign. As i turned round to leave i stopped, he was standing in the doorway tomato red, looking from my face (complete with spastic grin) to the piece of paper and back again.
Gerard's POV
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!! I mentally screamed at myself and i swear i had a mini heart attack when i realised he had found my doodle. That was before i realised he was just standing there grinning from ear to ear and a weight lifted of me. Was he smiling because he liked the drawing or did he actually like me back. My head was swimming with questions and then i saw him turn around to look at me.
"Gee" he whispered.

"Its amazing".
"I...um...thank you." i managed.