I was in love with a boy


Franks POV
So we both stood there for a few awkward minutes before I turned around to him and said;
“Gee…it’s amazing.”
"I...um...thank you." Was all he managed.
“Look Gee….I…..um…well….I don’t know how to say this but….I…kinda….sortov…think I….
His face was so expectant but I just couldn’t find the words to say that I liked him, hell more than liked him. I cursed myself for being so spineless. At this point he chuckled at my exasperated state and slowly walked closer to me. He wrapped his arms round my waist and when I didn’t resist he got the picture and drew me into a hug.
“I kinda sortov….” But he never got to finish because at that point Mikey opened the door;
“Hey Frank before you leave I wanted to….” He broke of as he saw me and Gee hugging in the middle of the room. Under his gaze we broke apart.
“Oh….wow….um I’m sorry guys I didn’t know you were….um…..well it was cool meeting you Frank, maybe see you tomorrow?” he said all this whilst backing out of the room slowly before legging it.
“I um…better be going, my parents will be going nuts.” I awkwardly made my way towards the door but looking back I saw the hurt in his eyes and ran back and gave him a swift peck on the cheek.
“See you tomorrow sugar” and as I walked from his room I turned back one last time to see a smile spread across his gorgeous face and I winked back at him before exiting his house to make my way home.
Mikey’s POV
Okay. Wow. That was embarrassing. I should have worked it out sooner. God I was such an idiot! I knew my brother was gay and he brings some other random guy who I can tell is hot even though I am perfectly straight. I don’t care if it was for a project I still should have realized they were into each other. Not that I mind, I love my brother for better or worse and Frank seems cool. I just hope he isn’t anything like Jake, god that’s all Gerard needs. At least Jake is somewhere he can never hurt Gerard again. Ten foot under. But Franks not like that, he can’t be. Well as long as Dad doesn’t find out about Gerard and Frank like I did it will all be ok, but I swear one day Gerard is just gonna have to tell Mom and Dad. Dad would go mental though, well we don’t know but we can take a hint, he voted against gay marriage in New Jersey and was very open about how un-natural it was, this pissed Gerard of so badly but he pretended it was girl troubles. Hell, Dad will have to find out eventually and no matter what I will be there for Gerard, longer than any abusive boyfriend can be.

Gerard’s POV
How could this have been any better? I hugged my doodle close to my chest and collapsed on the bed, just like those girls do in cheesy chick flicks but I didn’t care. He liked me back, all night long I was wondering if I should tell him or not, but in the end I didn’t have to. The only thing was Mikey. Was he freaked out? I had better go talk to him about all this.
“Mikey?” I called from the other side of his door.
“Come in Ger.” He called. He cant be that mad at me then.
I walked into his room, and just like in mine it looked like someone had dropped a bomb, but he refused to clean it out saying that it was an organised mess. I loved his sense of humour and he was more of a best friend than a younger brother.
“Um…I’m sorry you had to find out about that like that.” I apologized.
“Ger. Its ok you know it doesn’t bother me, but you can tell me stuff like that you know.
“Yeah I know bro, but you see that’s when we found out as well. He kinda found a doodle I had done. Of him. It all sorta went from there.”
Mikey chuckled and said;
“Hey as long as I don’t hear any dodgy noises coming from next door, I’m fine. And hey, Franks cool.”
“Yeah” I mused.
“Hey Ger. You there?”
“Yah sorry bro.”
“It’s fine. Wanna play space invaders and eat Twinkies till we puke?”
“Always.” I replied eagerly.