I was in love with a boy

I love you too

Frank’s POV
Hmmm I sighed in my sleep.
“I love you too Gee” I rolled over in my sleep and fell crash outta my bed making damn well sure I smashed my head on the table as I went down.
“Holy mother of FUCK!” I screamed in pain.
At that point my mother ran into my room and started fussing over me.
“Holy shit woman! I’m naked!”
“Oh Frankie its nothing I haven’t seen before and you were making a hell of a lotta noise, is everything ok?”
“Yeah everything is fine mom. Why wouldn’t it be!?”
“No reason dear, do you want a lift into school?”
“Um…yeah thanks”
As my mother left my room she turned on her heels,
“By the way Frankie….who’s Gee?” I could feel my face burn, holy shit I had been talking in my sleep again!
“Um I don’t know…why?”
“No reason sweetie” with that she left.
Damnit! Why God why!! But hey at least I would see Gee soon. That sure out a smile on my face and so did the realisation that we still had an unfinished project to complete at his place. Score! I went about my morning routine; having a shower, grabbing a cup of coffee and I climbed into the front seat of out Range Rover. Thanks to Dads new job we could afford one rather than our old shit land rover. It was about a ten minute drive to school so I listened to my ipod for the duration of the journey and I was singing along to ‘Die die my darling’ screaming the words rather loud when my mom pulled up by the school gates handed me 5 dollars for lunch and hugged me goodbye.
“Bye mom! Thanks!”
“It’s alright honey! Love you!
“You too!”
With that I rushed of to class to find Gee wasn’t there yet, but hell he usually came 5 minutes after the bell anyways. True to his timing he came in just as Mr. Toro called his name in role.
“Mr. Way?”

My heartbeat quickened and I broke out into another spastic grin as he entered the room. So did he. He flashed a smile my way and headed over to our desk. God his hair looked amazing his morning; of course it was the same tangled mess as usual but hell.
“You’re early.” He pointed out.
“Yeah my mom was feeling nicer than usual and drove me in.”
“Lucky cow. We still on for tonight?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world” and I added a wink on to show him exactly what I meant.
The rest of the day flew by with Gee and the only thoughts I had besides from ones about him was one thought about why my mom had decided to be so nice this morning…well nicer than usual, but I couldn’t think of an explanation, hell better not question the hand that feeds you.
After school we headed straight to Gee’s house and went up to his room to finish the Model which only took another hour, but we still had another hour before dinner. When we had finished I went to sit on his bed and have another look at his comics. He came back into the room and sat down next to me.
“Hey Frank.” I put down the comics and looked at him.
“Yeah Gee.”
“I was just wondering…yesterday…um…you were kindov saying something but you never got to finish. I was just wondering if well…” but I didn’t let him get any farther. I had moved closer whilst he was looking at his hands and I lifted up his chin so he was looking straight at me and brought my face closer to his until our lips touched. My heart rate had seriously increased but hell this was worth the scare. I loved the way his lips felt on mine and I never wanted to move. He got really into the kiss which urged me on, he fastened his arms around me and my tongue urged his mouth open and began exploring.
Gerard’s POV
WOW! I couldn’t believe it! I was kissing Frank! He had been so shy yesterday but now I guess he had gotten over it. I loved the way his tongue felt in my mouth and my tongue ran along his bottom lip warm and wet until it reached his lip ring. I never wanted to move from this moment, I pulled him down so we were lying on my bed and I rolled on top of him, our kiss quickened and my excitement grew, but then of course we were brought back to earth by Mikey’s calls that it was dinner time. God I loved that kid but he didn’t let up!

Mikey’s POV

You could see it from the moment they came downstairs. I FUCKING KNEW IT HAD BEEN TOO QUIET! Oh well, I’m glad Ger had found someone, maybe it would encourage him to stay actually stay at this school.
“So what have we been up to?” I joked.
“Shut up!” Gerard complained, Mikey you know I love you but one day I might have to kill you!
“For what!” I asked pretending to be shocked.
“For being right I guess” added Frank.
Wow I wasn’t expecting him to answer.
“Ha! So I was right!”
“Yea.” Replied Frank coolly.
“Wanna make something of it.” Frank was only 5”5 but I still didn’t fancy my chances against him, it was only a few seconds latter I realized him and Ger were laughing at my shocked expression.
“Hey hey! Its cool man. I’ll leave the brother beating to Gee”.
Franks POV
After diner Gee and I went to get my stuff from my room, but let’s say it took a bit longer than expected. I left the Way household feeling much lighter than I had when I first came and for five minutes I forgot all my troubles. That was until I got home. My parents were sitting in the living room my mom crying and so was my dad. I couldn’t believe it I ran up to them.
“Mom, Dad, what is it?!”
“Son sit down.” Instructed my father.
“We have some bad news.”
“You see Frankie.” My mom started.
I couldn’t see what could be so terrible and of course I feared the worst, as long as we didn’t have to move away, anything but that, but that was before I heard the news.
“Today I went to the hospital, about a lump.” She started, I could see where she was going and I didn’t like it.
My whole world seemed to crash around my ears, I could hear what they were saying but it didn’t make sense. Cancer. No! There had to be some mistake. But by the way my mom was crying I knew it was true.

“Frankie I have breast cancer, and the doctor says I only have….have….only….3 months.”
“NO!” I collapsed on the floor in a fit of tears. This is why she had been so nice this morning, because she feared the worst, and had got it. No! Why god why! Is it something I have done? Is it because I’m gay?! Damn you God! How could you do this to me! I couldn’t believe this!
I went over and gave her a hug, I told her it would all be ok, I told her I loved her and we sat for hours just talking and crying and hugging. At two am after much protesting I was sent to bed. I lay there for twenty minutes, but it felt like hours. I couldn’t sleep, I needed Gee. I needed him to hold me and tell me everything would be ok. I had only known him two days but I loved him, and next to my parents he was the most important thing in the world to me.
I jumped out of bed and pulled on some trackies and a tee-shirt and climbed down the stairs and out the front door. I ran to his house and called him. He answered on the first ring.
“Hello? Who is this?”
“Gee. It’s me…Frankie.”
“Is everything ok babe?”
“No. I’m outside can you come down or can I come in? I need you right now.”
“Come in. My parents just left on business so it’s just me and Mikey.”
When I got into his room I collapsed on his bed. I told him about everything that had happened and then after that I collapsed into a wet heap. He lay down next to me and told me everything would be ok, he started to hum a tune I didn’t recognise, he might have written it himself, but it comforted me and I soon fell asleep, safe and warm in his arms.