I was in love with a boy

Whats going on in here!?

Franks POV
When I woke up it took me a second to remember where I was, but when I did how and why I get here all the emotions came running back to me, but I couldn’t cry. I didn’t know why. I felt like crying just the tears weren’t coming. I rolled over and looked up at Gee. He was still asleep and looked so peaceful I was scared to move in case I woke him. I lay there for about 20 minutes then decided I probably should be getting up. I managed to get up and get dressed without waking him it was only when my phone rang that he stirred. I picked it up on the third ring, it was my mom.
“Frank Anthony Iero. Where the hell are you!?”
“Oh. Mom. Sorry, I went out for a jog this morning. Sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“Your father and I are going mental, I do not need this! In future you will tell me these things. Are you coming home before school?”
“Um. No I think I will just go to school. Sorry Mom.”
“It’s ok. Love you Frankie.”
“Love you Mom.” I hung up and looked over at Gee.
He was sitting up on his bed his hair acting like a curtain, shielding his perfect hazel eyes from me. I stood up and removed the hair from his hair and pecked him on the cheek.
“Good morning sunshine.” I whispered. He smiled back up at me.
“Mornin. Did ya sleep alright?”
“As well as I could.” I replied.
“We have to leave for school in the next half hour or we’ll be tardied.”
“I know.” I chuckled, “greet the day!”
After we went down to the kitchen and had some coffee, I borrowed some of Gee’s clothes and we left for school. We got there 15minutes late but Mr. Toro didn’t acknowledge us as we made our way to our desk. The day went by as normal, with the usual glares of fellow classmates. We ate lunch with Mikey and his friends and decided to skip the afternoon lessons. But there were loads of police in the local park, arresting some teenagers so we opted for Gee’s house as an alternative way to spend our afternoon.
When we got into his room he dropped onto his bed and began reading comics but I just stood in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do. After a few minutes he noticed my unease and came and stood up next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me close so I could feel his breathe on the back of my neck.
“What’s wrong.” He whispered.

“Nothing much.” I lied.
“Frank Anthony Iero you are the worst liar in the world.”
“No one ever uses my full name.” I observed. “Except my mom when she’s angry at me.”
He chuckled at this. His face pulling closer to mine until our lips were touching again and soon we were locked in a passionate kiss. We were lost in our own world we didn’t hear Gee’s dad call from downstairs. He was calling to see if Gee had the car keys, but we didn’t hear this. We had no idea he was home until he opened Gee’s door and started yelling.
“Oh fuck.” Gee whispered.
But I had no time to react because the next this I remember was a fist colliding with my nose. I collapsed on the floor and blood began oozing its way slowly down my face, but before I even had time to recover from the blow I was being dragged by my hair out down the stairs and through the front door where I was thrown from the house. My head collided with the cold hard concrete and I began to see stars as I faded out of consciousness, all I remember is a hard boot colliding with my ribs and Gee’s howls of protest through his tears.
I woke up at home in my bed. My head killed and as I tried to sit up a pain ran up my back and I collapsed over as my back went into spasm. As I groaned out in pain something grabbed my hand. I opened my eyes and saw Gee, his eyes swollen and red.
“Frank…”he whispered.
“I…I…couldn’t…he…sorry.” He chocked on his words through the fresh tears rolling down his face and all my pain subsided for a minute and I squeezed Gee’s hand. It was enough to make him understand I wasn’t mad at him, but it couldn’t kill the pain. But Gee was here now, I’d be fine now. Or so I thought.
“Frank. I…I…my dad…you see…he’s making us move.”
“WHAT!! NO!” I screeched. “Why Gee, why?”
“He did this last time as well, he’s such a homophobic bastard and I hope he burns in hell. Last time he found out I had a boyfriend he made us move hoping that it would make me forget him; well I can’t forget him, or what he did, but Mikey dealt with him. But that’s a different story altogether. But Frank, he is making me move tomorrow.
“NO!! You can’t. Gee I love you!” The tears came back, I was already losing Mom, I couldn’t lose Gee too!!”
Gerard’s POV

“Gerard! Are you ready?!”

“BURN IN HELL YOU SADISTIC BASTARD!” was my reply. I wasn’t going down by my own free will. If he wanted me gone he would have to fucking drag me into that car. I wasn’t moving to London! I wasn’t leaving the country! No fucking way!
This didn’t go down well. He did come up to my room and dragged me down the stairs like he did to Frank the other day. My hair was being pulled from its roots but I didn’t care about the pain.
“YOU WILL HAVE TO ACCEPT ME ONE DAY!” I yelled up at him. I lashed out and hit him hard on the back of his head and he fell down the rest of the stairs. Unfortunately there was only 3 stairs left, damn he was lucky. I hated his guts so much for doing that to Frankie. He couldn’t just go and beat on people like that! Especially not my boyfriend. I swear one of these days I would kill him! And as for moving us just like that, he thought I would fucking stay in London. Ha! No fucking way, I would come back first chance I got!
When we got onto the street people had begun to stare.
“FUCK OFF!” my father yelled at them all. He was psychotic!
I saw Frankie out of the corner of my eye and made a run for him, my dad surprised by my quick move lost his grip. I took this chance and ran over to Frankie, hugging him close and soon kissing him, I didn’t care who saw. There were several gasps from onlookers but I just didn’t care. But it didn’t last long; my dad outraged pulled me back towards to the car, not before I whispered in Frankie’s ear;
“I will come back for you.” But after I was loaded into the back of the car and as my family got into it and we pulled away from the drive I screeched helplessly as I was pulled away from Frankie and as I looked back I saw his crumpled figure in the middle of the road fists pounding against the ground.