I was in love with a boy

The truth...the whole truth

Frank’s POV
When I got home I went straight up to my room and lay face down on my bed and cried. I just couldn’t stop and my howls were getting louder, and my parents came and stood on the other side of my locked door begging me to open it, but I wouldn’t. With Gerard gone, nothing was right anymore and I felt like part of me had died. My parents soon went away and I fell to sleep still crying.
I was on a street corner and I could see the sign ‘Hemingford Road’, why the hell was I here? It was late at night and loads of local teenagers were hanging around the pub behind me. I felt very unsafe near them so I started making my way down the road, it seemed to stretch on forever and I still didn’t see the point in being here. I walked for about a minute before I noticed blue flashing lights ahead of me, I ran closer to them and soon was met with an ambulance and two police cars. There were several teenagers sitting in the back of the cars and two officers standing outside of the car, I walked up to the officers to see what had happened.
“Excuse me…what’s happened?”
“Someone’s been stabbed, do you live round here?”
“Do you know a boy called Gerard? His ID says that’s his name but god knows it could be a fake ID.”
“Gerard Way?”
“Yes! Are you a friend of his?”
“What does that mean?”
“I’m his...his...boyfriend.”
“EWWW!! ANOTHER FAG!!” one of the teens in the back of the police car screeched.
I didn’t fucking care what they thought they had obviously hurt Gee and I swear I would kill them.
“Is he alright? TELL ME!”
The officer came and put his arm around me;
“I’m so sorry son. It was too late to save him.” I ran over to the stretcher which they were putting a sheet over. I pulled it up and collapsed at the sight. My Gee. He was bloodstained and ghostly white and his eyes were still open and the image burned into my mind and all at once I wanted to kill and projectile vomit and die. I was shaking uncontrollably and began howling again, my tears spilled down my face and my body was paralyzed as I stared at my Iove. The boy I wanted to spend my life with, the boy I couldn’t live without, the boy who they had killed.

“FRANK!! OPEN THE DOOR NOW!!” My door flew of its hinges as my Dad’s weight crashed into it and the sound of it smashing against the floor brought me back to reality. I was shaking uncontrollably and still screaming his name and I couldn’t calm myself. My Mom ran over to me and held me close trying to calm me down and whispered in my ear like a Mother would to a baby but it didn’t help. My Dad wasn’t so sympathetic.
My muscles still wouldn’t respond and I just lay there shaking and sobbing uncontrollably. My Mom was starting to freak out and began screaming at my Dad to call an ambulance.
“Frankie darling are you okay?”
“I’m…not o fucking Kay!” I managed to force out of myself. I can’t remember anything after that because I blacked out and when I woke up I was in a private hospital room with my parents sitting on the other side of the room talking.
“I don’t care if he is my son; I’m not having his sort in my house”
“How can you say that? I have no idea what’s going on!”
“I told you its better he told you himself and it looks like he can now.” He indicated over to me. My Mom walked over to me and sat on my bed.
“Frank, I want you to tell me what’s going on, and I want the whole truth.”
“You will hate me” I muttered.
“I could never hate you” she replied.
I indicated over to my Dad.
“That’s what he said too and now look.”
“Well Frankie I will get over it, I promise, I am your Mother and I am ill so I think I deserve the truth.”
I went through the story not missing any details and I felt better for it before I looked up at her face. She was so pale if she was any whiter I think she would have needed her own bed.
“Mom…” I whispered, but she didn’t let me finish. Her face was filled with disgust and her eyes disappointment.
“Frank. I thought we had raised you properly…” at this she sighed. “But I guess we messed up somewhere, you aint no son of mine and I will make sure they find a place for you and just your mind, I am sick and tired and I don’t need this in my life, or you.” At this she stood up and walked out of the room, but not before she turned around to look at me and said;

“I never want to see you again.” At this she spun around and walked out of the room followed closely by my father who avoided my gaze. I couldn’t breathe, how could I have lost the three most important people in my life in 48hours??
Gerard’s POV
We had gotten to London, I don’t care which airport and we got into a taxi (that’s a cab) and we drove for about an hour. I got out of the car and got my case and went and stood on the sidewalk. ‘Hemingford Road’ was this a joke? Ugh! I couldn’t believe it! We walked down the road not speaking until we stood outside number 128. It was an okay house but it had one flaw. It was too far from Frank. We went inside and were assigned rooms; it was fully furnished so we didn’t need to worry about moving stuff. I got the roof room, probably to keep me out of the way. Oh hell I would stay out of the way, I was fucking running away. Tonight.
I wasn’t bothered to unpack I just went and lay on my bed setting my alarm to midnight.