I was in love with a boy

Its ok...im in new jersey

Gerard’s POV
I got up, put on my coat and headed out of the door. It was fucking freezing! I pulled out my cell and called Frank. I needed to hear his voice, to tell him I was coming for him, that I loved him. He picked up on the first ring.
“Gee?! Oh my god! I miss you so much!”
“Well not for much longer. I’m on my way to the airport right now and I will be home in a few hours.”
“Amen for that baby. I had a panic attack and my parents called an ambulance.”
“I was. But when my parents found out why I had the panic attack my Mom said she never wanted to see me again and so did my Dad.” I could hear him crying and the sudden urge rose up inside me to scream, but I suppressed it.
“Well I’m coming home; pack your bags Frankie we are getting out of New Jersey!”
“You have no idea how good that sounds! I’m gonna sneak out of this place and get my duffle bag and I will wait for you in the park. Okay?”
“I will call you when I get on the plane to tell you what time to meet me.”
“I’ll be ready…Gee?”
“Yea baby?”
“I love you”
“I love you to Frankie. More than you could kno-“
“EWW!! YOU FAGGOT!” I ignored the teens that were hanging out around the pub, I was going to see Frankie and that was all that mattered. They had obviously picked up on the fact I had just told a boy I loved him. Oh well. I began walking up the street to wards the main road so I could get a cab to the airport.
“Hey! What’s the rush?” I ignored him and kept walking.
“Oi! Don’t be so disrespectful! Look at me when I’m talking to you!” but I didn’t I started to run, truth was he was beginning to scare me. But when he saw me running , he and his three friends started running after me. I was outrunning them but I tripped over a disregarded beer bottle and fell to the ground in a heap and by the time I had regained my strength it was too late, they were standing over me.
“Aw! Is the little fag scared?” the four of them began to spit on me and I was kicked repeatedly in the ribs, I couldn’t do anything but lie on the ground and get hurt. I screamed half in pain and half in

fear but it didn’t help me, my little outburst earned a boot in my face. Blood ran down my face and I tasted the metallic liquid as it ran into my mouth and rested on my tongue, how was I going to live through this?
“Hey, why do I have to do it?”
“Cos it’s your knife bitch!”
“Ugh, give it here, I’m gonna enjoy this.”
I realised what they were saying but it felt so surreal, I wasn’t going to die here. I was going to go back to Frankie. I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. I had to!
“No! Please don’t!” that earnt me another kick in the ribs and a deafening crack ran through my body and I writhed in pain on the cold hard road. Everything blacked out and my body went numb but the last thing ii felt was a sharp blade pierce somewhere near my shoulder and a yell from far off and sirens.
Frank’s POV
Where was Gee? It was 7am. He should be here by now! I picked up my cell phone to ring him, but before I could dial the number my phone rang. It was Gee.
“Gee! Thank god where are you?”
“Um..hello. We have some bad news about Gerard. This was the last call made by his phone. Could you please specify how you know Gerard.”
“I’m his boyfriend…what’s happened!” I cried out. No! This was just like my dream only he couldn’t be dead!
“He has been injured severely and is currently in hospital. He isn’t dead but his condition is critical.”
“No! What hospital!”
“Bart’s hospital”
“Okay I am on my way.”
“They aren’t going to let anyone see him for a few hours.”
“That’s okay. I’m in New Jersey.”
“What…do you know where his fam-“
I cut him off as I ran to the main road and hailed a cab. I went straight to the airport, if he couldn’t come to me I was going to him!