Tales Of The Powerful Undead

Chapter 2 – The taker of lives

No one knows he’s there, some people believe he exists but some do not. He only kills people who deserve to die although sometimes the innocent have to be sacrificed.

He walked up to his next victim.

“Hmm, don’t get that many women. This one would be cute if she was less sluty. I’ll enjoy seeing fear on her face as she slips into the darkness known as death” he smirked. He walked up to the blonde haired women. She had blue eyes with lots of eye shadow and a fake tan.

“What a lovely leather jacket, too bad it’s going to go to waste” he said examining the woman some more. She shivered and pulled out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter from her pocket.
“It’s freezing out here” she said as she lit a cigarette and took a drag.
“Why I’m not cold at all, but then I am all skin and bones. But mostly bones” he laughed.
“Yes it’s freezing out here so what’s a gorgeous girl like yourself doing out here all alone” said a man who appeared out of the shadows.
“Hey I’m the one who’s suppose to appear out of nowhere” he smirked although no one could hear him.

“I know a good bar, do you want to come?” the guy asked
“No thanks, I’m going to get a cab home” she replied
“How about I drop you home, save some money” this guy was determined.
“No thank you” the girl sounded worried. The guy grabbed the women, put his hand over her mouth and dragged her into an alley.
“Now that’s not very nice” he whispered in the guys ear. The guy started looking around.
“Who’s there?” he shouted worry flickering in his voice.
“ME!” he laughed, his voice echoed like the wind.

The guy turned back to his victim and smirked as fear glowed in her eyes. He pushed her to the floor and punched her while she screamed. He then started ripping off her clothes. She screamed in pain as he entered her. A mental scar was pushed into her head.

He flinched.
“Looks like you might be a father, too bad you’re going to die!” he laughed. The guy got up, doing up his flies and ran to his car which was not parked far away.
“Don’t move, I’ll be back for you” he said to the now unconscious woman who was lying in a pile, half naked on the floor.

He walked after the man who was now starting up his car. The car drove off and the figure walking towards it disappeared and reappeared in the passenger seat.
“Hmmm, how will you pay I wonder” he asked himself as he scratched his chin with his bony fingers.

“Hey look a brick wall” he said as he waved his fingers about.
The guy lost control of the car and the screech of the breaks were all that could be heard in the silent city until, CRASH!

He had disappeared again, there were footsteps coming up to the driver’s side of the car.
“H-Help me” the guy said but it came out in no more than a whisper. He came into view and whispered something to the dying man

A scream filled the air and then everything went quiet again. Sirens were heard in the distance but he didn’t stay around to watch what happened.

She was still lying on the floor unconscious when he appeared in front of her, but something had changed. She was dying! As she slipped into the darkness she saw the guy who had been watching her. She opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out.

“Shh, it’s not your time yet, but it will be if you don’t stop smoking. You’ve got another chance, either stop for yourself or for your baby, it’s your choice”.
A look of fear sparkled in her eyes at the mention of baby.
“Oh and he’s dead, now go to sleep”.

Slowly she drifted off to sleep. He walked out of the alley and waited for someone to pass. After a while there was movement at the end of the road. The person go closer, male around 20, he looked sensible. He walked up to him and whispered in his ear
“Look down the alley”
Like a puppet he did what he was told.
“Oh My God” he shouted as he ran down the alley to where the girl was lying on the ground, still half naked. He pulled out his phone and called for an ambulance. He then took of his coat and laid it over the girl’s fragile body.

He turned around and walked away as a grin crept onto his bony face. The sun began to rise and as the first bit of daylight hit a nearby building he vanished.

If you ever come across this bony figure, you should be scared because he doesn’t let people live when they cross paths, that often.

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Hope you liked it! :D
Comments = huggles and maybe skittles