In a City That Sleeps During the Day

Shopping and Trouble

~Casey’s Point of View~

I woke up at 6:30 and noticed that Brendon was still there lying next to me. I shook him a little to wake him up. When he woke up I told him the time and went next door to get Nick and Jessica up. When they got up we went back into my room.

“Okay, really quick, can we go shopping,” I asked Brendon.

“For how long, and who is going with you,” he asked. Nick looked at me and so did Jessica, but Jessica had pleading eyes.

“Me, Jessica, Tyler, and I was going to call up my friends Sally, Emma, and Chelsie,” I said.

“What about Ryan. I want him to with you, got it. I want you to be safe and trust Ryan,” he said looking at me sternly.

“Okay, I’ll take Ryan, and I think Emma would be happy if I did,” I said with a smirk.

“Okay, If I find out that we are attacking the mall, I will find you, and tell you to get out with me helping you,” he said.

“Okay, I’ll keep Tyler with me, Nick you get Jessica, and Brendon don’t forget Ryan,” I said.

“Don’t worry I can’t forget the one and person who helped me get the one I love,” he said kissing me on the lips. When we broke apart Brendon and Nick were out the window heading towards the dandy’s headquarters.

Jessica went back into her room and to sleep some more, god knows she needs it. When she left I got my cell phone, and called Sally, Emma, and Chelsie. When they picked up, I told them to meet Tyler, Ryan, Jessica, and me at the mall at 9:00. They said okay and I started to get ready. After I was dressed I went into Tyler’s and Ryan’s room and woke them up and told them the game plan. Then they started to get ready, and I went back into my room and put on some make up. Then I walked out of my room, and knocked on Jessica’s door when she opened it she looked ready. Then we went to the boys’ room and saw that they were already to go. When we got down stairs we saw Pete, Patrick, Joe and Andy were there.

“Hey dearest cousin, where are you going,” Joe asked.

“To the mall,” I answered.

“Here,” Pete said tossing me the key, which I handed to Ryan.

“Thanks Pete, Well we’re off to the mall, have fun hunting vampires,” I said as we were walking out the door. We all got into the car, and drove off to the mall. When we parked the car and walked into the food court to meet Sally, Emma, and Chelsie. When we meet up with them Jessica and Sally went to American Eagle, Emma and Ryan went to the music store, Tyler and I went to Hot Topic, and Chelsie went to some store she really didn’t tell us. Oh, well, we’ll see her later like around 11. As me and Tyler were shopping I bought a new corset, pair of skinny jeans, a belt, some make-up, a new purse, and a new CD. Tyler bought 3 shirts, a new jacket, a belt, a messenger bag, and 2 new CDs. When we walked out of Hot Topic it was 10:30. So, we went to the candy store to get some yogurt covered pretzels and a sprite for me, and for Tyler, I’m not going to say, don’t want to get into trouble. When we walked out the store we saw people getting out of no scratch that they were running out of the Mall. Just as I was about to go looking for what was causing the problem Ryan, Emma, and Brendon showed up.

“We have to get you four out of here now,” Brendon said with worry in his voice.

“Is Jess,” I was cut off.

“Yes, they’re fine, Nick has them. Come on follow me and hold hands,” Brendon said grabbing on to my hand, me grabbing on to Tyler’s, Tyler grabbing on to Ryan, and Ryan grabbing on to Emma. We were pulled out of the mall just as we saw a fire starting on the outside of the mall.

“I want to four to wait here for Je, never mind here they are, I want to go home and stay there,” Brendon said as Nick, Jessica, and Sally came towards us. Brendon pushed me into the vehicle as everyone was pilling in, but before I closed the door he kissed me and ran off to where he was suppose to be along with Nick, and by what I can tell Joe too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Character info on Sally, Emma, and Chelsie.

Name: Chelsie
Nicknames: Elsie or Ellie
Age: 17
Hair: Dark brown with blonde/gold highlights and red tinted lowlights
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’6
Extra: Her style is mixed meaning she wears skinny pirate boots and band tees, or blouses, or polo shirts with lots of bracelets. She is talkative when you get to know her but shy the other times. She is fierce and protective of her friends and she reads a lot. If you mess with her or get in her way she can be a little evil or a bitch. When she is evil she’s kind of cruel and mean, but will be a little upset after with her self, and she can not be a Super Bitch, no matter how hard she tries.

Name: Emily Spice
Nicknames: Em, Emma
Age: 16
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’5
Extra: Sally’s twin sister. Her style is rocker chic.

Name: Sally Spice
Nicknames: Sal, Ally, Ally Kat
Age: 16
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’5
Extra: Emma’s twin she dresses like an Angel.

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