In a City That Sleeps During the Day

Going on

~ 3rd Person’s Point of View~

Chelsie decided to go to a small little café and sit and wait till 11 came around. She was just sitting for about 30 minutes to her but in reality it had been and hour before the people outside the store started to run around in Panic. She got up to see what was causing it when she was bitten on the neck and knocked out. The person who bit her was someone who had fell some what in love with her. Someone who couldn’t have her unless, she was claimed to be his, and the only way that could happen was if he changed her. You might be wondering who did this strange act of love, well you’ll find out soon.

Brendon had walked into the mall with two of the Jonas Brothers, Nick and Joe. You see they had a mission Brendon was to find Casey and Tyler, since they would most likely be together. Nick was to find Jessica and this girl Sally, and Joe was to find Ryan and Emma. The three split up to them quickly, before William got to them. Well as most of you might know Brendon and Casey/Alexis are with each other, along with Jessica and Nick, but what you didn’t know was who Joe was in love with that my dearest friends will be announced at a later time.

When Brendon, Nick, and Joe got everyone they brought them to the car and got them ready to go. When looked back the saw that the mall was on fire, Mike must have gotten out of control again. When Casey, Ryan, Jessica, Tyler, Sally, and Emma drove off the three vampires went to where they were supposed to be in front of Hot Topic getting some food.

~Fast Forward~

A girl with dark brown with blonde highlights with red tinted lowlights wakes up in a place unfamiliar to her. This place was elegant, she looked down and saw that she was dressed in a skirt mid-thigh, and the shirt she was wearing was long sleeved with a collar black. She had a tie around her neck was red; if you looked at her you would swear you saw the devils wife. She was dressed to kill and looked like she was someone who you could be friend in face. Who is this girl you ask, none other than our once favorite Chelsie. I mean she is our favorite, but now we will see if she will be one of the dandies or hunters. She stands and walks out the door into a dark hallway with a light at very end of it. She walks down the hallway with an arrogant walk when she reaches the end of the hallway she is greeted by faces that are unfamiliar to her.

“Welcome to the new world Ms. Chelsie,” a man with brown hair said.

“Thank you,” she said.

“Do you wish to join us,” he asked. She had to admit he was cute.

“Sure,” she said.
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