In a City That Sleeps During the Day

New Beginnings

Chelsie's P.O.V

I had been here for three weeks, where ever here is. And it had been strange if anything.

I couldn't really remember how I came to be here, all I remembered was the chaos at the café and then just darkness. Nothing after that until I woke up from a sleep I did not recall falling into, in a room I did not recognise. My clothes were different too meaning someone had changed me, yet I could not bring myself to feel outraged at this blatent disregard for my privacy and personal space. Something about all of this felt...right.

Hoping to find out where I was, I stood up out of the satin covered bed I had been laid on and walked out of the door. Something had changed about me, I could tell. Even my walk was different. Slightly more confident, it oozed arrogance which was something I could not abide in people. However it made me feel stronger; more powerful. So I just ignored it and walked to the end of the corridor outside the bedroom and glided to the light at the end. When I reached this light I was met with faces that were strikingly beautiful yet unfamiliar to me. One spoke.

“Welcome to the new world Ms. Chelsie,” a man with brown hair said.

New world? What the hell does he mean?
Instead of voicing this question I found myself speaking without thought.

"Thank you." I replied, smiling politely. Even my smile felt different!

"Do you wish to join us?" He asked. I have to admit he was cute and I felt a strange pull towards him. I felt the need to please him, to be with him. It was slightly scary yet exhilarating.

"Sure." I tried to sound indifferent, a part of me rebelling against all that had happened but that part was overshadowed by the pull so it came out soft and willing. The stranger must have noticed for he smirked before holding his hand out to me. I looked down at it briefly before looking up into his dark caramel eyes. They were hypnotizing.

Without thought I took his hand and walked away from that corridor with him, into my new life.

Since that day I rarely saw the beautiful stranger who I now knew to be William Beckett. I also knew that I had become a creature of the night, a vampire, and that he was a leader of sorts. The leader of a gang of vampires known as The Dandies. As it happens, after accepting to join his new world I had really accepted his way of life and I was a Dandy now.

There was no going back.

However I was not alone. It seems that William had assigned people to 'look after me' but in reality only one person actually followed his orders.
The person's name was Brendon and he was nice. However I got the vibe from him that he really didn't want to be here, as if I was personally holding him back from something important. I felt slightly sorry for him, having to look after the 'newbie' but I felt slight anger towards him. Even though I'm pretty sure it was William who turned me, I could not feel any negative emotions towards him and placed all my hatred for my position on Brendon and any other who was around me. It was mainly Brendon though seeing as I rarely saw other vampires.

I was kept in the room I woke up in and only saw William in the day when we all slept. He would come in as I drifted slightly in unconciousness, not fully able to sleep due to my new predicament, and climb into the huge bed. He would wrap his arms around my waist and kiss my neck, head, shoulder; anywhere he could except my lips. He would save that for the break of night when he would leave me. That's when Brendon would enter, sit in the corner and watch me.

We rarely spoke and if we did it was him asking me if I needed anything with a reply spoken from my lips. Other than that I tried not to annoy him further, instead just reading the books I found on the shelves in this large room. I had read many over the last few weeks which suited me fine; I loved to read. However I did not feel complete. I found myself counting the minutes until William would return to me and Brendon would leave us to each other.

As I said before, others rarely saw us. Every now and again another male vampire would sit with us but he only stayed for an hour or two. His name was Mike and from what I had gathered he was arrogant and cocky. But even with those flawed mannerisms I still liked him. Unlike Brendon he would actually talk to me, even playing a game or two of cards. He taught me how to play poker because I was terrible at the game, only winning due to my strange ability to read people's faces. I had a heightened sense of those around me, seeming to be able to feel what they felt.

I did not dare tell Brendon or Mike this, in case something was wrong with me or they got mad. They simply blew it off as perceptiveness. Speaking of heightened senses, as a vampire my hearing became very acute as did my eyesight and speed. My strength was even better too. Through these new abilities I could hear everything going on in the mansion around me. I could here the jokes, the gossip, the laughter and even the talks William had with other vampires of the house. Quite often these talks were about yours truly.
With this new hearing I could tell that most nights the other vampires of the house left, going into town, leaving Brendon and I alone. When they returned, talk was buzzing with words of excitement and violence. I'm guessing something big always happened on these excursions and when they came home disgruntled, something even bigger occured. On those nights William would often return to bed tense and angry.

Those nights which turned to the day as he lay with me, he would be a bit more...demanding with me. His kisses were harder and slightly rougher but still filled with passion and another emotion I did not understand.

Back to the present, I was currently laid on my stomach on the bed in a satin dress William had bought for me the night before. I was wearing it on the advice of Brendon, him simply saying it would please William. Of course if it made him happy I would do it without a second thought. I found myself liking him...alot. Anyway, so there I was reading a Jane Austen novel comfortably whilst Brendon watched from the position on the chair as still as a statue when suddenly sounds of the gang's return reached our ears. They had been out again that night. There was something different though. A new buzz was spilling from each vampire hesitantly yet excitedly. Brendon must have noticed the change as he suddenly tensed, surprise on his face. I ignored it though when I heard a new sound closer.

Footsteps outside the door.

"Hello beautiful." William crooned. I whipped my head around to see him standing in the doorway. Brendon stood immediately, bowing before standing completely still. William nodded in acknowledgement before facing me again. He walked forward, wrapping me in an embrace before grasping my hand. He led us out of the room, down the corridor and down a large staircase.

I had never really left that room before.

Before I could fell anything for that realisation William spoke to a crowd that was assembled at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I would like to introduce to you the future Mrs Beckett, my future queen, Chelsie Price." He spoke clearly and with authority, his voice deep. It made me weak at the knees. Then I realised what he had just said.

We are getting married.
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Hey people [=
I'm the new co-author, Chelsie.
Comment and stuff =]