In a City That Sleeps During the Day


~Casey’s Point of View~

Okay here is the thing my normal and your normal are two different normal words. My normal family involves my cousin, his best friend who is a vampire, a sensitive person, a person to obsessed with weapons, a boy who is a poet and really sweet, and a girl who is my best friend. Your normal family is a mom, a dad, brother, sister, and grandparents. My normal day is at night. Your normal day is during the day. My normal fight involves vampires. Your normal fight is with humans. My normal pain in the ass is a moody vampire. Your pain in the ass is most likely your brother. My only family is my cousin. Your family is still alive. So yea, two different normal worlds; that will never collide.

I woke up and saw that it was only 6 at night. The sun still up, so I might as well get up and get ready for tonight. I get out of my bed and walk into my closet and grab my blue jeans and my To Wear Love on Her Arms shirt, and got dressed. I walked out of my room and walked into the kitchen. When I arrived in the kitchen I saw Ryan sitting at the table, Patrick making Pete’s shake, Joe making dinner for him, Patrick, Jessica, and Ryan. I normally don’t eat what Joe makes, so he doesn’t make food for me. I walk to the fridge and take out the milk and eggs. Then I start to make my breakfast when Jessica walks down the stairs. When she reaches the bottom step she walks over to where Ryan is sitting and sits in the chair next to him. After my breakfast is done I pour me a glass of milk and take my plate and sit on the other side of Ryan. When I’m finished I look at the stairs and see the panda is up. So I walk to where Patrick left the shake and grab the shake and bring it to Pete.

“Thanks Case,”

“Your welcome, panda,” Then I go into the training room and train till we have an attack in progress. After about an hour of training Pete comes get me.

“Hey we have a dandy attack in progress,” he said.

“Okay I’m coming,” I said as I grabbed my gear. When I got to the car I saw everyone expect for Patrick and Ryan. They had to stay home this time. You see we only have 5 seats, so two people have to sit out. When we reach the city that might I add is in complete chaos, we see the dandies and their leader William Beckett. I hate him and so do the rest of us. We get out of the car with out weapons in hand and run to the fight. I look at William and watch as he makes a hand movement meaning to regroup and get ready for the fight. I look for his right hand man Brendon Urie, who might I also add is not near his master, but is behind me. I notice Pete tense up as Brendon places his arms on me. I kick him on the leg and run behind Pete. After he regained his posture he went back to William’s side. I just stared at him watching his every movement. I looked around to see which dandies I knew. I knew Brent, William, Mike, Spencer, Kevin, Joe, Nick, Kayla, Ashlee and Jessica, Adam, Kyle, and my most favorite Brendon. I got ready for the fight that was about to happen. William dropped his glove and the dandies came to us. Brendon, Ashlee, and Joe of course came towards me and Mike, Spencer, and Kevin went to Pete, Nick and Jessica Simpson went to Jessica, Brent and Kyle went towards Andy, and Kayla and Adam went to Joe. I got my three favorite people. Ashlee hates me because I told Pete that she was a dandy, Joe’s gift is attraction, he can make me like him or someone else, and Brendon. To Brendon I am a toy that gives him a thrill to play with, or I’m a person who is a challenge to him. I don’t know and I don’t care. Brendon made a whirlwind around me and Ashlee tried to attack me. I blocked her attacks and shot her with a stake from my run. Direct hit, yes, next was Joe. Okay note to self don’t look at him, no matter what. I kept blocking Joe’s attack and ended up running into Brendon. Oh crap. Brendon grabbed onto me and held my face up so that way I was looking up at Joe.
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Next update: Saturday.
I start school in 3 days.