In a City That Sleeps During the Day

Everlasting Love

Chelsie's P.O.V

"William is going to want to take you right there." Vicky-T gushed as she brushed my hair. Rachel, a friend of Vicky-T's and also a Dandie, was stood behind me tightening my corset. I was currently stood in the middle of mine and William's bedroom in only my corset, lacy french-style boy shorts and my garter. If I was human I'm sure I would have been blushing and way too modest to even consider wearing this let alone in front of others. However with my new existance came a new found confidence.

"Yeah, he won't be able to wait through the ceremony." Rachel giggled. I rolled my eyes at their girlie teasing but chuckled along with them.

"Not quite ladies. I'll be wearing a dress over this won't I?" I said dryly, stepping into my shoes when Rachel had finished tying the corset up. She then proceeded to lift the dress over my head and dropped it onto my body where it sat, hugging my curves in all the right places. Vampire brides usually wore a red dress but owing to my purity I also had to wear a white dress. The white dress was not only a human tradition but a vampire one too. If a vampire has not hunted for the first time or had a...sexual encounter, said vampire bride would have to wear a white dress and a red one the night after the consumation 'day'.

Confusing right?

Well William wanted me to wear a dress his mother had worn before she died. She had designed it herself to complete both traditions. The dress was beautiful and it seemed to fit me perfectly. The girls swore it was a sign, a good omen as it were.
I couldn't help but wonder if it is.

Rachel zipped up the dress before moving onto my make-up. Vicky-T began to style my hair properly and in no time we were done.

I was done.

The girls let out a sigh, looking at me blissfully.

"You look amazing." Vicky-T smiled. I smiled back nervously and Rachel seemed to realise something. She dashed out of the room before dashng back in, a huge stand up mirror under one arm. I could see super strength came in handy.
She placed it down in front of me and I gasped.

The girl in the mirror couldn't possibly be me! She was just too beautiful.

Her hair was so shiny, the waves and curls sitting perfectly on my shoulders and swaying gracefully down to the middle of my back. My face was made up perfectly; it seemed natural but enhanced my features just right. My lips were outlined to make them look plumper whilst the clear gloss brought out the natural cherry red, there were no imperfections seeing as vampirism made you flawless, my cheeks needed no blusher as they were slightly rosy from my glass of blood a minute ago and my brown eyes were framed by eyeliner which highlighted the golden flecks, making my eyes sparkle in the light.

The dress fitted perfectly and looked beautiful anyway, without me in it. It was the perfect choice for my personal wedding dress.

Everything was falling into place.

"It's time." Vicky-T grinned, just as music faintly started downstairs. The voices of the house quietened to a hum but one voice was clearer than all. That one voice I had grown so tuned to that I could honestly say I loved the owner. All the voice whispered was 'I love you'.

I was ready to marry William. So I left the room, my bridesmaids Victoria and Rachel following behind me. We walked with vampire speed to the end of the corridor, just behind the corner so we were hidden from the audience and all attending the wedding who were sat waiting at the bottom of the staircase. It didn't make much of a difference because everyone could feel our presense.

The hum quietened even more, lessening to whispers as the wedding march William and I had written together one night, began.

I glanced back at the two girls who both gave me the thumbs up, Rachel handing me my bouquet of blood red roses. I took a deep breath before stepping out from my hiding place and beginning my walk down the aisle.

Gasps and frenzied whispers buzzed quietly in the air, a few sentences taking my interest.

"She looks beautiful."

"She's pure? She's actually pure?"

"Beckett is one lucky man. I bet she'll be great in the sack."

I grimaced at that last thought but kept walking. Victoria and Rachel made little noises of disgust in their throats so I'm guessing they both heard it. More remarks pricked my ears.

"When does this thing end?"

"I know! Would she hurry up already?"

"I know..."

Those last three confused me but I ignored it and looked forward.

There stood William, My William, in all his gorgeous glory. He looked so handsome and regal that he took my breath away. His eyes shone in the light and a grin broke out on his face, exposing his fangs. I seemed to melt slightly at that smile and in no time at all I was at the alter, my walk finished. Vicky-T and Rachel were in their places and Mike was stood just behind William in position as the best man.

The vows passed quickly and I could barely hear them as I gazed into William's eyes. Luckily we both said 'I Do' at the right time and suddenly we were at the part where the priest/vicar (or in this case a vampire version) said 'you may now kiss the bride'.

And boy did William kiss the bride.

That kiss will be etched into my mind for eternity. It was definately the perfect one (so far).
It was soft but passionate with just the right amount of tongue. Not too sloppy but not dry and unfulfilling. And William seemed to know when to stop, owing to the audience who were now cheering and clapping.

"Ladies and gentleman, I present Mr and Mrs William Beckett, your king and queen." The priest's voice rang out. The cheering and clapping stopped as everyone bowed silently before standing back up, looking straight at William.

"Friends, today will be marked in Dandy history forever. Today is the day that my existance has been completed and today is honestly a blessing. As a thank you for attending I allow you to have a celebratory hunt. Go feast and play in the town for tonight, you have free reign." William's voice rang deep and true and the other Dandies cheered at his announcement before moving.

Everyone lined up to shake his hand whilst the men kissed my hand and the woman hugged me gently. Mike whispered congratulations at me before taking his leave and the last person there was Vicky-T.

"Well...have fun." She winked, hugging me tightly before gliding away and out of the mansion.

We were alone. Finally.

"Well...Mrs Beckett." William smirked, turning me to face him. I smirked back, liking the sound of that. I truly loved this man, he was my everything. I'd do anything for him.

"Well Mr Beckett, shall we go upstairs?" I asked, my voice seductive and quiet.

His eyes sparkled as a mischevious glint flashed through them. They were filled with lust and love and he picked me up, cradling me to his chest, before running at vampire speed to our room. He threw me onto the bed, kicking the huge oak door closed before pouncing onto me, straddling my waist. He smirked, a purr like growl building in his chest and vibrating into mine. His face was literally inches from mine and I longed to close that gap. Unfortunately when I tried to he merely pulled back.

"Nuh uh uh, not quite yet." He whispered, his deliciously fragranced breath fanning across my face. I licked my lips in anticipation. His hands slipped from my shoulders and creeped across my body to gently slide down my sides. His lips attached themselves to my neck, sucking and kissing lustfully. When his fangs sunk into my neck I moaned and arched my back in ecstacy. As I did this, William took the chance to slip a hand under my back and unzip my dress. The front loosened and William pushed front down and whipped it off my body in one seemingly fluid action.

I was surprised he didn't rip the garment.

William took sucked in a deep breath as he saw my attire. His eyes drank me in, sweeping my body before looking into mine. His mouth was hung open a little and I smiled slightly at his expression. Amazingly, even with all this new confidence and arrogance I still felt shy under his intense gaze. He swooped down and kissed me hard and passionately. I responded immediately, tangling my hair into his long, lush, brown hair.

If I thought the wedding kiss was amazing, that night and day was indescribable.


I stirred, my eyes opening to see a toned, pale chest. The chest of my new husband.
I sighed, smelling his glorious scent before placing a gentle kiss on his skin.

He purred slightly, shifting and pulling me on top of him. My long hair framed our faces, curtaining them from the outside world and keeping our moment private. I looked deeply into his eyes before dipping my body to kiss his lips softly. This kiss was slow and sweet, William's fingers stroking my back and following the dip of my spine before resting on my waist. As we pulled away, I rested my forehead on his as I took a deep breath.

"Oh amazing beauty, tell me what you want for my love, I would give you the world if you asked." He whispered, his voice breathy. I glowed at his compliment before pausing to consider.
There was one thing I wanted.

"William I was my last life I had some friends and I miss them. Could I perhaps visit them later this night? I will never ask for another thing." I pleaded, resting my head on his chest and looking into his eyes once more.

"Of course, anything my darling. Who are these friends you speak of?" He asked, stroking my hair. He merely sounded curious so I saw no harm in talking of my friends.

"Well...they're names are Jessica, Emma, Sally, Tyler, Katie and Casey but for some reason she's also called Alexis. I don't know why though." I shrugged, hugging him close. "They are my closest friends and I love them dearly."

William hummed beneath me before nodding.

"Interesting." He mumbled. I looked up, confused but he just smiled, pressing a kiss to my cheek. So I ignored it and simply lay with him.
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Wow that was long =O
Comments please =]