In a City That Sleeps During the Day

Huh, What?

~Casey’s Point Of View~

I had just woken up and was getting ready for today when my cell phone rang.

“Hello,” I asked.

“Hey, Case,” I heard a girls voice.

“Yea, who’s this,” I asked.

“Katie, Katie Harris,” she said.

“OMG! Katie, what’s up,”

“Nothing much, just needed a place to stay and my bf said I should go stay with you all,”


“My boyfriend, Kevin Jonas,”

“OMG! Not another one,”

“What do you mean,”

“I’ll tell you later, yea, you can come stay with us,”


“Yeah, you just have to bunk with Jessica, that’s all,”


“Well, Sally and Emma share a room, Tyler and Ryan, Andy and Joe, Pete and Patrick, and me and Jessica have our own rooms, but I normally let the guys in so, I want my own room,”

“Okay, I understand that, well I got to go pack, see you soon, bye,”

“Bye, Katie,” I hung up the phone and went downstairs to see Chelsie sitting down on the couch.

“OMG! Chels,” I said running up to the girl and enclasping her into a hug.

“OMG! It Casey Ray,” she said while laughing.

“So, what’s up,” I asked.

“Nothing much, you,” she said.

“The same old, so what happened to you,”

“Well, I uh, got out okay,”

“Cool, guess who is coming over today,”

“I don’t know who,”


“I heard the name Katie,” I heard four voices call out to me. I looked up to see Tyler, Jessica, Emma, and Sally.

“Yea, she is coming to live with us,” I said with a smile.

“Score, I miss my Katie-bee,” Tyler said.

“Well, that’s nice to know, Tyler oh my er,” we heard a voice say.

“KATIE!,” We shouted.

“Hi, guys,” she said. Katie is a short girl about 4’8 with shoulder length brown hair. She has brown eyes, and loves to dress like Demi lovato from camp rock.

“Hey, Jessica, can you show Katie to your room,” I said.

“Sure, okay, I have a room mate score,” she said helping Katie move her things into Jessica’s room.

“So, why are you here at this hour of day,” I asked Chelsie.

“To, see you guys,” she said.

“Oh, for how long,” I asked.

“Well actually a few more minutes,” she said.


“Because I have people to see, places to be, things to do,” she said looking at her watch.

“Well, k,”

“I must be going now,” she said running out the door. ‘Okay well that was weird’

“Okay,” I said, but she was gone and I looked at the guys with a blank expression.

“Don’t worry about her,” Emma said.

“Okay, hey Emma, don’t you have a date to be on,” I asked.

“Oh, yea, I do, Well bye guys,” with that said she walked out the door just as Katie and Jessica came down.

“Well, I have a date to,” Sally said.

“With,” I asked.

“Joe, you’re cousin,” she said.

“Okay well, bye,” I said as she grabbed her purse and walked out the door.

“Anyone else, has a date,” I asked.

“Well, the three of us,” Jessica said pointing to her, Tyler, and Katie.

“Go,” I said pointing to the door. Then they left leaving me alone in the house, so I decied to eat some food, watch some tv, then train till they got back.

Well after I ate my lunch I sat down and watched tv for a little while. I noticed some noises, but I played them off. Then as I was about to go train, I had the sound of footsteps, but when I turned around noone was there. However when I turned back around I couldn’t say the same, because right now guess who is infront of me. If you guessed Beckett then you are correct.

“Hello, how may I help you,” I asked him as if I didn’t know who he was.

“Aw, Casey, you know exactly why I’m hear,” he said.

“Nope, can’t say I do,” I said.

“Yea, Alexis you do,” he said getting off the ceiling.

“How did you,”

“Your friend of course,”


“Chelsie, told me, poor thing though, she didn’t know,”

“What did you do to her,”

“Marry her,”


“Yea, I did, and now I’m going to get rid of one hunter,”

“Really, how,”

“Well, little one, you really are no match for me,” He was right about that hell not even Pete was a match for him.


“Noone can safe you so stop thinking that they can,”

“Actually, William someone can,” a voice said.

“Who is that,” he questioned.

“Me,” the person said stepping out to show the one I love.

“Brendon Urie, why am I not surprised,”

“What do you mean,” I asked.

“Well, you see dear, Brendon thinks that I can’t hear his thoughts, I actually can,”


“Yea, it’s a shame too, he’s not the only one,”
“What do you mean,” I asked.

“Well, there is the Jo Bros,” he said. I looked at him as if he sprouted a second head.

“How did you, nevermind,”

“William I would leave if I were you,” Brendon said.


“Because the Hunters are coming back home, I called them from her cell,” he said.

“You’re lucky this time girl, but next time you won’t,” William said going out the window.

“Did you really, call them Bren,” I asked as I ran up to him and hugging him for the first time in three weeks.

“Yea, and Pete is so mad, he wants an explaination,” he said.

“Aw, man,” I said. Now to wait for Pete and the rest to show up. ‘Oh, joy,’
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