In a City That Sleeps During the Day

P.S I Love You

Chelsie's P.O.V

William let me go see my friends so when the clock struck 11 and it was dark outside I left the mansion and made my way to Casey's house. Of course, to keep to tradition, I was wearing a silk, red, knee-length dress which fitted to my curves and flared out lazily at the hem. William gave me his leather jacket to wear and as I sat on the sofa, impatiently waiting to see my dear friend, I buried my face in the material, inhaling my love's addictively delicious scent.

A smile settled on my face as the smell took me back to the day before and the bliss I had experienced. However it could be said that every moment spent with William was blissful and wonderful.
I was knocked out of thoughts of my husband by the sound of the arrival of people. Casey was here.

"OMG! Chels!" She yelled, her high pitch stinging my sensitive ears. But I grinned and bared it, just happy to see my friend safe and sound.

"OMG, it's Casey Ray!" I chuckled as she hugged me tight. I hugged back the just as much enthusiasm but still trying to be gentle. She was breakable to me at the moment so I had to be as careful as I could be.

“So, what’s up,” She asked, releasing me from the embrace.

What a complicated question that truly is.

“Nothing much, you,” I said, lying through my teeth. Luckily I am good at that.

“The same old, so what happened to you,”

“Well, I uh, got out okay,” I tried my best not to fidgit and I think I did pretty well.

“Cool, guess who is coming over today?” She asked, grinning crazily. I shrugged.

“I don’t know who,”


“I heard the name Katie,” I heard four voices call out. I looked up to see Tyler, Jessica, Emma, and Sally.

“Yea, she is coming to live with us,” Casey said with a smile.

“Score, I miss my Katie-bee,” Tyler said.

I zoned out of the conversation, biting my lip as I silently willed for them to hurry up. I didn't have much time. I was pulled back to the conversation by Casey asking me why I had visited so late.

"To see you guys." I smiled. I was speaking the truth again and the unease caused by deceit lifted partically but not fully. After there was still one secret being kept. But that secret is for another time.

"Oh, for how long?" She asked. I bit my lip.

"Well actually a few more minutes." I answered.

"Why?" She pouted.

"Because I have people to see, places to be, things to do." I told her, glancing at my watch. The answer obviously did not please her but she let it go with a sigh.

"Well, ok."

I realised the time and widened my eyes, jumping out of my seat.

"I must be going now." I rushed before running out of the door and leaving the house. Once out of view I dashed with vampiric speed to the Dandy mansion, my red dress whipping around in the wind and my hair billowing out behind me. Just before I reached it, the large front door opened and I bolted straight up the staircase and stopped in front of William's study.

I gently knocked on the door and waited for an answer. The voices on the other side of the door ceased before footsteps echoed my way and the door swung open to reveal Mike Carden, one of my more surprising best friends. He grinned, moving away to let me in before whispering a hello in my ear. I nodded in response with a smile before turning to face my love. Before I could really say anything William took one look at me, his eyes flashing with lust, and spoke.

"Leave us." His voice was husky and deep. The command was strong and immediately Mike, Brendon, Chizzy and Jon left the room, closing the door behind them. William slowly walked to it, never taking his eyes off of me, and twisted the key locking the door. He stopped, facing me directly in front of me as I shrugged out of the jacket. We stood in silence, me with the jacket in my grasp and William waiting on the balls of his feet.

The silence lengthed as did the stillness, only our rapid breathing moving us. I dropped the jacket and it hit the ground.


William launched at me, throwing me onto the velvet black chaise-lounge, pouncing on top of me. Playful and seductive growls emanuated deep within his chest as his hands crept up my thighs, lifting the dress up with it. One hand slid back down, hitching my leg around his waist before running back up my body, pausing at my chest before tangling in my hair and pulling my face to his in a deep kiss.

We kissed for a while, my hands stroking up and down his back and his up and down my leg before pulling apart.

"You know, this isn't all just lust and sex. I really do love you Chelsie Beckett. With all my heart." He whispered. I grinned girlishly at this declaration before picking up from where we left off.


I rolled over onto my side, my arm flopping out only to touch a cold, wooden surface. The shock forced my eyes open to see the black velvet surface stopping to a drop which led to the wooden flooring. I sat up, the blanket that had obviously been placed on me earlier during my sleep, slipping down to my waist. I looked around dazidly, sleep still strong in my eyes, noticing that I was alone. This didn;t register highly though and soon sleep drew me back in.
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Elsie x