In a City That Sleeps During the Day

Death To All His Friends

Chelsie's P.O.V

Fighting. Carnage.


That's all I could see as I stood there. It was vampires against hunters, vampires against humans. It was total madness and William and I were at the helm.

I heard my name being called so I turned around to see William with Gabe, motioning me to come to him. So I did, I ran straight to them; waiting to hear the next route of attack. After all, William's genius plan had already partically worked so now it was time for a new approach.

"We're going after Alexis now." William's eyes portrayed pure evil, hate and rage swirling around. It was truly a terrifying sight.

"But William-" I was cut off by Gabe elbowing me in the ribs to shut up. William, however, had heard me.

"Chelsie, are you questioning me? After everything I've done for you and everything those hunters have done to me, you want me to leave alone the full reason for all of this. No I shall not listen to you this time. You have three jobs here tonight." Gabe left to give us privacy.

"First, you will do exactly as I say. Second, you WILL fight ALL of the hunters by my side and third...please don't get yourself killed. I...I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you Chelsie. So much." His voice changed from angry to pleading as he told me the third task and my eyes widened as I realised what was truly at stake here tonight.

Kill or be killed.

I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his in a passionate, feirce kiss. He returned it with just as much strength that tears began to fill my eyes as I realised...I might never see him again if things went badly tonight. And that's when I decided.

That could not happen. I would not allow it.

We pulled back and Gabe was at our side instantly.

"Let's go." William's voice was low and commanding and we followed, cornering Alexis. As I looked at my ex-friend I realised that this was my new life now, that there was no room for her considering all she had done to William. I hated her.

We were about to strike when suddenly five boys were blocking her from us, effectively outnumbering us. I growled as I saw them size up my husband, trying to figure out how to best take him out. The short, black haired one looked at me in surprise, cocking his head to the side slightly as he sized me up too. William took a step closer to me, his stance protective. Gabe followed his move, in turn protecting William.

"Mikey, I want you to get Alexis out of here." The taller black haired one said, not taking his eyes off of us. When a tall brown haired one moved at this command I recognised them all as the MCR boys, vampires like us but enemies like the hunters. William had told me about them in the briefing.

"Alexis, follow me." Mikey told her. And we couldn't do anything about it. But being the idiots they obviously were they underestimated us. Of course we had a backup plan and that backup plan's name was Spencer Smith. I heard his entrance but couldn't turn around to witness the fight but from what I did hear, he was knocked to the ground and the two ran off. I faced MCR, preparing to fight.

The command signal was silent but we knew when to fight. And as we did the MCR boys suddenly stopped and disappeared without a trace.


I huffed, pissed that my fun was over and turned around. I saw Mike, my best friend, fighting Pete Wentz when suddenly Alexis staked him.

I frowned, tears filling my eyes once more as I watched Pete tell her something and she disappeared. I screamed in pain and rage as my best friend, the only person I loved other than William, die before my eyes. So I ran, following Alexis' sent.

All I knew was that, that bitch would die for everything she had done.

And I'd be the one that kills her.
♠ ♠ ♠
the chapter title is a spin off of the Coldplay album - Viva La Vida or Death and all His Friends.


I didn't want it ending with me being all 'this happened then they left'. I wanted drama and cliffhangerness.
So ha.
Elsie x
