In a City That Sleeps During the Day


~Casey’s Point of View~

After I was squeezed to death by my cousin and his best friend, I was squeezed to death by a brown haired boy with brown eyes who was a little taller than me. Oh my god.

“Tyler,” I screamed and hugged the boy harder. Tyler is my best friend of all times. Wait why is here.

“My family was killed,” he said as if he read my mind. I just hugged him tighter and cried into his shoulder. You see Tyler’s family was my second family. So let go of him and took hold of his hand and Pete’s and brought them to watch a movie. The movie was Nightmare before Christmas. During the middle of the movie Jessica came home, and started to question Tyler. Which made him annoyed in the end, so she went to bother Ryan, and then she went to bed? After the movie was over I showed Tyler his room, and went to mine and went to bed.

I woke up at 6 today. I am going hunting today and Patrick and Joe are going to get a van for us so we can all go hunting together. I get into the kitchen and fix myself breakfast.

~Fast forward~

I just finished eating and I went upstairs to my room and got changed into a sleeveless black shirt and blue jean shorts. Then I went into the training room to train for a few minutes till I was told we had to fight.

Jessica, Pete, Andy, Ryan, and I got into the car with our weapons in hand and Pete drove to the scene. We got out the car and started the killing spree. When suddenly I am grabbed from behind and brought somewhere far away from the fight. I was let go and I quickly got ready for a fight.
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