How to Break Up With Your Internet Boyfriend

Let's Get It On.

So, your friends may or may not have noticed how much your confidence has sharpened, because perhaps being called pretty is something that's rare for you, or maybe that "special internet someone" was a very, very, very hot son-of-a-gun. Or maybe you were just really, really bored with your life, and you'd found something that you could return to after school. Or maybe that someone was so grotesque and sickening that you were waiting for something else to happen. Whatever the case was, you manage to run home after school (or practice, or from Kelsy's house) and hop onto the computer (at one point.).

Hip hip hooray for you! They talked to you! And after you said "thank you" to their compliment, they completely go out of their way to ask,

"No prob. So what's up?"
Note: I made it look way more glamorous than it is.

By then, you could take two routes: a) say "Nothing much. You?" or something of that sort, or b) say "Well, I'm really sad / happy" or whatever you must say. Whatever keeps the conversation going, right?

By then, they should respond with, "Nothing much", "Nothing, just chillin'", "Nothing, just sad / happy" etc., or if you chose 'b', they should ask why you're upset or happy.

Then the conversations start.

So you guys are talking forever about your favourite music, movies, books, or whatever you two pretend you have in common. This may take a few hours to a few days. Soon enough, you guys seem to be hitting it off, and they ask for your number.

Stupidly, you give it to them.


In the following situation, back away slowly, not to say that the other situation isn't as dangerous.

If the person asks what you're wearing, or says, "I wish you were here. I would [insert something explicit here]!", get off the computer. Go outside, and do not talk to them ever again.
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Next episode: A Deadly Question.
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