How to Break Up With Your Internet Boyfriend

Dealing with Emotions.

"You WHAT?!"

Way to go sport.
Either you a) changed orientations (you said you're lesbian, gay, straight, etc.)
b) You told them you cheated (this may or may not be true)
c) If you're extra bold, you've told them that you got pregnant or got an STD or something.

Whatever you did, it's possible it didn't work. either a) They accepted it, or
b) They got pretty pissed.

So, in situation A, it's likely that they asked why you cheated or why you're suddenly gay or pregnant and so on. Okay, by that point, you're probably just frustrated that they didn't just break up with you. So relax and take a breath and start to think of more excuses, but you'd be better off just telling them that you don't want to be with them anymore, and be sure to let them down easy. Really. And if they ask why, just tell them something along the lines of, "My life's too busy to deal with a significant other" or some mumbo-jumbo lie like that. If that doesn't work, see below.

In situation B, they got pissed. Or sad. And chances are, they started yelling or cussing at you, asking you, "Why did you do this?! What the hell did I do to you?!" and all that blah. And that's putting it tamely. Okay, unless you gave them your address, or general living locations, don't fret. If you did, please see below. So back to situation B, it can only be appropriate to tell them that you can't talk to them while they're yelling at you, they're scaring you off and to call back when they've calmed down. Of course, that wouldn't be the smartest idea, unless you get the thrills out of ignoring their calls. And trust me, if you do get that thrill, there will be plenty of it later.
You're better off telling them that you don't feel right with them anymore, and you're better off with someone else. Or something like that. And again, try to let them off easy, and sound remorseful, even if you are full of giggles.

Okay, so, if you did tell them where you live (which you shouldn't have, but I'm not here to make anyone feel bad), you should be okay, but if you get too paranoid about it, you're better off telling somebody about it. It may sacrifice your freedom, but you're better off locked up than being threatened or the d-e-a-d word. But the odds aren't that great, especially if it's the internet pretty-boy that has seventeen girlfriends.

So you may have broken up with that person, but that doesn't mean the end of this saga. After all, you still have that My Space account, right?
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Whoa. I don't remember writing so many paragraphs!
Next Episode: Aftermath.
Thanks for reading!
Stay Tuned!