How to Break Up With Your Internet Boyfriend

The Freaking Aftermath.

So, it's been a week, or day, or month, whatever.

And, well, you still have your My Space / Quizilla (ew) / My Yearbook account, right?

So maybe things aren't a problem anymore and your ex-"beau" hasn't tried to contact you.
So, let's say they have, and either a) they're cussing you out, or
b) they're trying to get back with you, or "just be friends".


First of all, if this person is still on your friends list, delete them.
Otherwise, you'll end up talking to them or caring what they think or they'll comment you, whatever. You probably don't need to talk to them anymore. At all.

Second, if things get messier, as in, they message you after you deleted them, telling you how you need to re-add them, and talk and whatever, either ignore their messages, tell them to move on, and if it gets annoying, block them.

No need to delete your social networking site if you can delete people.

Now, it's necessary to delete if:
It's a dating site.
People keep hitting on you.
There's a pedophile hitting on you (double points.)
You can't trust yourself.
Someone keeps asking you for nudes.

Sometimes, if you don't want to delete (for some off reason), you can completely abandon the site, or like I said before, you can delete the scary people.

And one more thing: as for buddy lists:
If you gave them your IM address, ABANDON SHIP!
Yes, we know you loved your IM name. Yes, we all know that Johnny Depp is indeed quite sexy, Pete Wentz is "foine", Jack was the Pumpkin King and Cupcakes rule in Unholy ways (apparently 666 times), but if you want to be left alone, you have to abandon them. Or at least block the ex-"beau" from your buddy list.

And if you can't find it in your heart to do any of the above, maybe you can try to occupy yourself from getting into more messes like these. Like for example:
Learn an instrument.
Draw stuff.
Write things.
Go to a rock show and roll around in the mosh pit.
Play a sport (like throw things around the house!)
Practice cards.
Wikipedia things.
Talk on the phone.
Cut your nails.
Make cookies.
Yell at people.
Learn to drive.
Learn how to fly.
Get into teenage shenanigans (Don't get pregnant! Teenage pregnancy is a stupid trend)
Go to the pet shop.
Shop with your parents' credit cards.
Find the enchanted forest near you.
Watch Yo Gabba Gabba.
Obsess over a band.
Decorate for the holidays. Or more importantly, Halloween. (No matter what time of year it is, every month can be Halloween! Try trick-or-treating in May! It is really cool.)
Or even take a trip to the book store (even if you don't like reading, you'll find something!)

Well, hopefully that list gave you some ideas on what to do to keep yourself occupied
And who knows, maybe if you try to do all of them in one month, you'll meet someone new (and completely real!)
Or just get hurt.

See you next time!
♠ ♠ ♠
The end! =*[
I think.
Unless you need more advice.
Anyway, now that you're done, you should go read "Stupid Little Love Song".
Or not.