Status: Updating again!

In his Trance

The Shadower

Ginger's POV

Natalie and I walked to my car I leaned in the car to push the button to pop open the trunk, then looked over and saw Jared standing there looking like an idiot. I walked over to the other side of the car, opened the passenger door and shoved him in, then slammed it shut. Natalie was already sorting threw my small collection of weapons in the back.

"Hmm not much of a selection, here I have much more at my apartment, but its almost completely dark so we don't have much time. I guess we'll have to make do with what we have." Natalie started pulling out a crossbow and custom guns here and there.

I flicked a switch on the inside of the trunk and a small compartment came out. It had a collection of glass jars and little bags full of different things.

"Well we can I have a some ground up quartz that is poisonous to shadowers and a special dagger washed in a blue striped serpent venoum." I pulled the dagger out making sure it was in its cloth cover and then put in a garter like thing on my thigh.

"That should work but I wanna make the kill you can throw the quartz on her." She had her hand held out for the dagger, I sighed and gave it to her.

"So whats our strategy, I mean you've been here long enough so I would hope you have a plan." I looked over at Natalie who was sending daggers at me through her eyes.

She hated if anyone critized her strategy's or killings.

"Well the sun is almost gone down, you get her in the alley by the dumpster throw the dust on her it should paralyze her for a minute or at least distract her then I'll come in for the kill. I collect the body give it to my client and then we have dinner." Natalie walked down to the alley whispering an incantation and did a motion with 2 fingers and then she disappeared. "I'll be waiting here." the ghost of her whispered.

"Gotcha." I walked back inside and strait to the podium. "May I see your manager?"

The little greeting girl looked nervous then replaced it with a smile."Of course, I'll be right back."

I waited as she came back with a portly looking man, he smiled at me."Ms.Cerulean how nice to see you, is their a problem?"

"There is may a speak to one of your waitresses, I think her name was........Shafreeka." I grimaced when I said her name.

"Yes you can follow me, if you will." The manager led me into the kitchen then to the back, that I could see was the lounge. Right by the alley way door (how convienent).

Shafreeka was sitting in the employee lounge smoking what looked like a cigarette to humans, but only people of the dark could tell that it was actually a smelting stick they just put the decorations of human cigarettes.

It smelt like burch washed in violet oil. Probably trying to make some proctection spell. All People of the dark could do some form of magic.

The manager walked up to her and snatched the "cigarette out of her mouth. "No smoking in here, Ms.Cerulean would like to talk to you Ms.Sanchez."

He walked away to leave me with the creature. "Well I just need to talk to you about something for one second, can you just step out here real quick." I was pushing into her mind trying to force her to get her ghetto booty outside. I could tell that she was trying to resist but in the end I won (as always) and she followed me into the alley.

I once the door was closed I dropped kicked her feet out from under her making her crash to the ground. She growled at me "You B!tch."

She quickly jumped back up and charged for me. I grabbed her arm twisting it behind her back. She slapped me on the face with all the force that she could muster.

"Your gunna regret that." I grabbed her other arm pinning her down and then bit open the little vial with the dust dumped the tiniest bit in my mouth, grimaceing at the taste then bit into her neck. Shafreeka shrieked and then I pushed her down facing me and threw the rest of the dust in her face. She was rolling around in pain, but in a second Natalie was there, knife in hand.

Shafreeka threw a panicked look at me at the sight of the nice I just grinned and shrugged. Natalie plunged the nice in her heart, then traced a weird swirly looking sign on her. Then took out the nice. Natalie took a small vial out of her pocket and starting twirling her fingers around her mouth and then an odd black smoke looking thing appeared and Natalie directed it into the vial and then put a cap on it.

"Well that was fun, lets put her in the bag and then go eat." Natalie smiled at me a fresh kill was always fun.
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well i hope you people are happy that this chapter is published I know its been awhile but, since the holidays are over I've been trying not to get on the computer as much.....butttttttttttttttttttttttttt that doesn't mean that I won't be updating just bear with me.