Status: Updating again!

In his Trance

The Fight

Haden's POV

"Damien can I talk to you for a minute?" I leaned over to him.

Damien shrugged. "Sure."

We walked to the bathroom.

He looked at himself in the mirror grinning, every once in awhile a red glint would come to his eyes which would make his grin become wider. "Soon." he barely whispered.

Realizing what he meant I spun him around to face me, then punched him as hard as possible in the chest. He went slamming up on the counter shattering parts of the mirror. My punch had been filled with such force and anger that I was surprised that my fist didn't go through him.

"What the fuck was that for." He shouted mouthful of fiery, ready to take a hit back.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" I pushed my hand encasing his throat pushing him up against the shattered glass slowly closing my fingers closer around his throat.

He smirked. "You won't kill me. Just try." His eyes glowed a bright crimson, fangs extending.

"Stay away from my Lady Aislinn and her lovely friend Luna. You are not to harm her in anyway." My teeth gritted I kept my stare at him while trying to pierce his mind.

He kept that same smirk leaning against my hand right to my ear. "And if I don't he whispered.

I threw him back up against the mirror, but let go of him. "Just test me and you'll find out." Then I walked out quickly straightening my clothes.

I sat back down and slung my arm around Aislinn's shoulder, she shifted uncomfortably then sighed and leaned on me. "Damien should be out in a minute." I looked at Luna and gave her a winning smile which she returned then got wide eyed at me. It only took me a minute to realize why. My fangs were still extended. I closed my mouth and quickly willed them back to normal.

After a few minutes of small talk and sipping drinks, Damien returned looking completely normal. You would never have suspected that a just a little bit ago I was slamming him up against a wall.

He slid went and scooted his chair closer to Luna's to where they chairs were side by side, then he slowly put his arm around Luna tugging her closer. Then smirked at me, he was already testing me.

The girls looked at each other not knowing what to do. I could hear in Aislinn's mind that she was uncomfortable, so I loosened my grip on her shoulder and she gladly scooted away a little. I looked down at her and she smiled back up at me. I looked over at Damien and Luna.

Damien was whispering things in her ear that made her shiver I couldn't read Damien's mind and he was somehow blocking Luna's mind from my listening too. I sighed. I knew how this worked with him. He charms the girl, has sex with her, then sucks her dry. I lifestyle that I used to live by too, but not anymore.

I finally broke the slightly awkward silence. "So why don't we go watch a movie at my place we just got out media room redone?"

Their was a small chorus of sure and yeahs. We threw our drinks away and went to my car. Same as how we came Damien and I in the front and Luna and Aislinn in the back. This time though the girls were whispering back and forth with giggles in between and sometimes little gasps. While Damien and I just sat there neither one of us wanting to talk.

Finally we reached my place and I went to open the door for Aislinn, Damien did the same. We walked up the girls linked arms and went inside.

"GINGER!" I called. "I'm HOME." Their was no answer.

Hmmm I thought to myself.

"Follow me the media rooms upstair and you can easily get lost." They all followed me through twists and turns finally arriving to the media room.

Aislinn and Luna both gasped at the size. It was like a small 1 screen cinema the screen was a little smaller but still took almost all the wall space. Their were about 5 rows of 8 seats each they were the plushy red kind that could recline slightly. Along the one sided aisle were little lights and in the corner was a popcorn maker cart with a drink station and different types of candy.

"Soooo whos ready for a movie, you guys pick." I showed the girls to the vast amount of movies. "Can you guys think of anything in particular?"

Aislinn piped out. "Do you have Interview with a Vampire?"

I grinned at the irony of it. "I think so." Then set out in search of the movie.
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sorry that it took so long to update my spring break just ended so I'm gunna get back on track. Also I noticed something that in the first chapter Aislinn and Luna are just getting out of school and then in the date chapter I have Halloween coming up so I guess they go to a weird school that gets out in october. But its my story so I can do that. Teehee, comment if you would like and thankyou to my suscribers