Status: Updating again!

In his Trance

The Mistake

Aislinn's POV
As I sat in a chair with Luna on my right and Haden on my left I could feel the awkwardness begininng to brew. As the movie started Haden put his arm around me, which I'm slowly getting used to but, hey it's still the first date. Though his chest was quite comfy. (he's much taller than me so thats why its not his shoulder I'm leaning on) Oh what the hey, I just leaned on him like we do this everyday.

After maybe 15 minutes through the movie I looked over to Luna and she had a confused look on her face. Damien's arm was around her and it looked like he was trying to put his hand up her dress but she had her hand on his keeping at bay on her thigh. I don't know whats up with her. I mean I'm used to her talking to strangers by now, but I don't know this is just not like her.

What does she even see in him other than the obivous being he's super gorgeous, but he seems like a player. He looks at my little Luna likes shes a piece of meat and he wants to rip right into her. Its kinda creepy, but Haden knows him........I have to remember I still barely know Haden, I don't know what kind of company he keeps. I'll discuss this with her after the movie and we go over to my house. For now I'll just enjoy the tale of Lestat and Louis and the short vampiric life of Claudia. I quickly snuggled up to Haden and let the movie entrance me.

Around halfway through a voice pierced the spell I had fallen into.

"Haden, where are you?" Good Golly Godric Gryffindor its Ginger. I sighed why did she have to come home now. I'm still trying to figure out why she dislikes me with such a passion. I don't think I'm a mean person so I don't think its anything I did. A minute or so later I heard feet pattering down the hall. Ginger came in wearing a super revealing dress, she was a walking wadrobe malfuntion waiting to happen.

Behind her was a tallish thin girl, with messy brown hair she looked only 18, at the moment she was happily munching on oreos surveying the room. A slightly attractive blond came slouching in the door way behind Ginger and the other girl. Ginger gasped "DAMIEN!?"

I turned around to see Luna and Damien sucking face. This suprised me severly we usually are the kids who act grossed out and throw popcorn at the couples who make out in the movies. Unless she had lost something and for some reason thought it could be in Damiens mouth, which she was giving a thorough inspection, then I have no other explanation. I grabbed her shoulder jerking her towards me a bit. "Luna, I think its time we go!"

She wiped her mouth off then turned to me with a dazed expression. Damien smirked at me. "She seems to be enjoying herself, Aislinn unless your feeling lonely we could always have a threesome."

I'm pretty sure I started blushing then, luckily Haden came to my rescue. "I agree its getting late anyway, Damien, its time for Luna and Aislinn to go."

I grabbed Luna's arm pulling her towards the door. Ginger sauntered over and sat on Damiens lap petting him sorta. Haden got up to walk us to the front door, when Damien pushed Ginger off then went over to our group.

He shot a glare at me and Haden then asked. "May I just have one last word with Luna before you leave." He pulled Luna over to his side. Kissed her lips, cheek, then neck. He pulled back up staring into her eyes. "Good night." Damien whispered then he bit Luna's neck.
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I know its been forever and I'm sorry its so short but I'm trying to get everything bout the story back in my head