Status: Updating again!

In his Trance

The Underworld

Into the inferno, that's somewhere from the book Fahrenheit 451 I had to read it in English gosh I hated it, but, that was my first thought. Their were well flames, it wasn't hell, but it was The Underworld. I have no idea where its located, another dimension? Maybe in the twilight zone.

Don't believe any of the rumors about how it's pure evil, oh no, it's quite lovely maybe I can buy a vacation house here. I hear winter is wonderful here. We're in some country and yes The Underworld does have countries and continents, it's so darn normal. Most of that is sarcasm I hope you know. Well we are in some country called Whindownia, it's some Underworld language for night walker, sounds lovely doesn't it?

Ginger is leading me down a winding path, why is Luna here again? Why did someone *cough Ginger *cough take her in the first place? Well I guess it could be Damien, he could've took her while everyone was asleep, and then came back to rape me. Thank god Ginger's freaky friend showed up and saved me. Speaking of which...........

"Umm..." I cleared my voice. "Ginger what is Natalie?"

She looked over at me. "She's a wizard, witch, sorceress. Call it what you want, but she can do magic using spells, and she's pretty damn beast with it so don't mess with her. Natalie is a assassin."

Holy crap, note to self don't piss Natalie off. "So where exactly are we going?"

"To go get your stupid best friend, where else?" Ginger rolled her eyes at me and walked faster.

I was starting to run to keep up. "I know but where?"

"To Damien's house." She sighed, I could see I was pissing her off, but it's not my fault that all of them are crazy monsters.

"So Damien took her?!"

"I never said that...." Ginger turned a corner and were on what I'm guessing is the main street in this town, city, evil empire, thingy.

I kept quiet now and just looked around. The ground was red cobble stoned, and there were little shops and apartment buildings, mostly in hues of orange and tan. It was all so ..... normal. We walked one more block then stopped in front of a tall apartment complex. It was one of the richer looking ones with gold ornate frames on the doorways, lush creamy carpet and red walls.

Ginger walked over to an alcove in the wall their was a liquid like substance glowing it was almost like a waterfall, cool blue, but it made no sound. Ginger grabbed my hand yanking me into it. I closed my eyes preparing to be soaked in the icy coolness, but I didn't feel a thing. I reopened my eyes and we were in a hallway on the top floor.

There was only 4 doors in this hall so these must be penthouses. Ginger walked to the door on the right side of the hall number 504. She lifted up her skirt revealing a small thigh strap with a mini pack on it she unzipped it and pulled out a black key. Slowly she inserted it in the keyhole turned the lock and opened the door.

"DAMIEN! Where the fuck are you?!" She yelled walking into the doorway.

I looked around and it was really nice looking, but also messy clothes were thrown here and their, and dishes piled in the sink and blood....... I shuddered trying not to think of it. I heard moans coming from another room and gasps. I blushed just because it was really awkward. Ginger frustratingly stomped over to the door that the moans were coming from right as a scream of Ecstasy came out.

Ginger threw open the door and the moans got louder and I could hear Damien and someone saying very naughty things to each other, while the bed squeaked from the motions of sex. Still embarrassed I walked a little towards Ginger but not enough as to where I could see inside the room. I tried looking anywhere else, admiring the paintings or furniture.

Ginger growled. "Annabelle you harlot stop humping Damien and get your ass out of here, and Damien I need to talk to you."

A girl's voice most likely this Annabelle growled right back and said. "Why Ginger? Are you jealous that your not the one doing Damien and his godly body?"

"Bitch, I'm older than you and you can either get out or I can throw you out, your choice." Ginger walked into the room and got in Annabelle's face. (Which would be really awkward since I'm pretty sure Annabelle and Damien were still both naked and doing it)

Annabelle moaned rocking a little, she pouted. "Just let me finish then I'll leave." Her and Damien continued getting it on for a second before Ginger jerked Annabell off Damien by the hair threw her at the wall, cut her throat with her fingernail (more like talons) and then preceded to throw Annabelle out the window while she was naked.

"Ginger what the hell was that?!?" Damien walked out of the room naked.

I saw him in all his glory and god damn he was hot, but his manhood was hanging out, so I covered my eyes and yelled at him. "DUDE! Go put on some pants or something!"

Damien smirked. "Don't act like your not enjoying the view."

Ginger scowled and pushed him into his room. "She's a virgin remember boys are icky, god if her blood wasn't so good, I'd just have Damien glamour her and do her already."

"You got a taste too? Isn't she yummy, she's also not to bad looking without clothes either." Damien walked back out in black basketball shorts, licking his lips.

"Go get staked Damien. You fucking rapist!" I glared at him wishing that looks could kill or that my eyes could shoot lazers.

"Babe it's not rape if you like it." He still had that dumb smirk on his face, he walked over to his couch and flopped down, Ginger curled up next to him and I sat on the edge of a chair. "Your lucky the maids coming today sexy, or I'd make you find someone to fix the window."

I threw a pillow in his face and grabbed his hair pulling as much as possibly, from the look on his face I could tell I was hurt him a bit. "Where is Luna?"
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This might be a record another update in less than two days. Claps for Melanie by the way guys please comment if you like this story it would make me feel special. =D